Jojo-Schmitz / MuseScore

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Phantom symbols #494

Open RickyChitarrone opened 1 month ago

RickyChitarrone commented 1 month ago

Doubles—phantoms, Doppelgänger—of symbols appear in the score other than where I place them.

I am using Evolution - b756ccd in macOS 13.3, Mac Mini M1 2020, 16 GB memory to work on this file. I have not edited this in earlier versions of Evolution so am unaware of whether this is new or persistent.

I notice two kinds of doubles: A) ones I can click/select and B) others I can’t click on. Both appear on page 6 in the Primo book of the attached score, for instance. I have been using the mensuralRestLongaImperfecta symbol as a vertical alignment glyph for a baroque lute tablature project. I enter these mainly by copy-and-paste once I’ve got the first one aligned correctly.

A) Of the sort that I can select/highlight, dotted attachment lines will appear when I attempt to drag the ghost character. The lines show which symbol in the score it’s doubling. Deleting the phantoms won’t also remove the source symbol as placed on the staff. ⌥ → from the upper tablature letter will only bring me to other glyphs on the staff, never to the double elsewhere on the page. I have left one of these in place above the “Presto” tempo marking. These appear when I print to PDF.

B) Of the sort I can’t select, these disappear if I zoom in close enough and reappear when I zoom out, with their positions unchanged from where I first saw them. For instance, if you zoom out on p.6, these will appear in measures 5 and 6 close to the symbols I’d actually placed there. If you zoom in, they will blink off. They don’t appear when I export a PDF.

You can preview these behaviors in the attached MP4: you'll observe that the vertical lines in the last bar of the first system blink out when I zoom in on them. (This one is mensuralProlationCombiningStroke, but the behavior is identical to what I described above.) You can observe this and the rest of the described behavior in the attached mscz file.

As an extra observation, sometimes nothing will paste after pasting fine elsewhere, and I will need to re-copy, sometimes several, times before it finally appears. I began suspecting that this unsuccessful paste operation is when the phantom characters get generated. But when I tried Undo (⌘ Z), only edits I intended to make get undone, never a phantom character that I’m aware of.

In case it's useful, the provenance of this file is a bit drawn out. I believe my colleague derived the tablature from an MXL file of staff notation that I created in Sibelius 7.5. He used the current release of MS 4x to make the unformatted tablature. Evolution wouldn’t open it directly (not what I’m reporting on!), so I opened it first in 4.3.1 (241490902) and saved it on my end before working in Evolution.

I look forward to hearing what you make of this mystery. Thank you very much.

worldwideweary commented 1 month ago

FWIW, on my linux system there is no invisibility of the vertical line symbols within the staff. However, the other symbols above the staff seem to have problems when scrolling, yet are re-drawn while zooming is performed:


Looks like the vertical line does go undrawn when the other symbols also go undrawn (below between staves in the included video)... seems to only apply to "non-selectable" elements (can't select the lower vertical line or the other symbols in my 3.7 build)

Jojo-Schmitz commented 1 month ago

Some of these symbols seem to have gotten dragged off page, that'd explain why they are not selectable (i.e.: that is a known and long standing bug). They should become selectable in continuous view, then reset their positions (Ctrl+R)

RickyChitarrone commented 1 month ago

Thanks for the tip about using continuous view to clean up the artifacts. It works and is helpful.

In the interest of knowing that we're understanding one another the same, a quick response from me to Jojo's most recent, I never dragged any of these outside of where I wanted them to be. Rather they got placed there by the software when I attempted to paste in a pre-aligned stroke. I was unaware of how many of these had jumped out to transneptunian orbits until I saw it in continuous view!