Jojo-Schmitz / MuseScore

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Accacciatura timing #683

Open scorster opened 11 hours ago

scorster commented 11 hours ago

Two issues regarding accacciatura grace notes:

a) To my ear MuseScore 4.4.2's accacciatura rhythmic rendering is superior than 3.7's. It would be great to have 4.4.2's accaccoatura timing backported to 3.7 ... assuming that it matches your concept of the preferred timing. To me 4.4.2's accacciaturas sound slightly and appropriately ahead of the beat.

b) With the same score "imported" to 3.7, the accacciatura sounds awkwardly "on the beat." To work around that I exclude the grace notes from 3.7's playback, but with the grace note's Play property toggle OFF in MuseScore 3.7 there's still a residual time delay affecting the main notes (i.e. the non grace notes)—which resembles 3.7's awkward "main note" timing heard when grace notes have Play = ON.

Once a) is fixed I think there'd be no b) to contend with.

The MS4.4.2, MS3.7 files and an exported MS4.4.2 MIDI file are within the following ZIP file.

Accacciature Grace note

And with regard to point a) ... to my surprise the MIDI export does not sound like the MS4.4.2's good playback rendering.

scorster commented 11 hours ago

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