Hi, I want to know something more about the News on 2018/08/29/.
You mentioned that "latest experiment-- Resface20(bn) + vggface2 + weight_decay5e-4 + batch_size256 + momentum achieves 0.995+-0.003". I think Resface20 represents the model you used. But what does the "vggface2" means here? Does it means a pre-trained model ?
Gratitude for your reply soon, thanks~
Hi, I want to know something more about the News on 2018/08/29/. You mentioned that "latest experiment-- Resface20(bn) + vggface2 + weight_decay5e-4 + batch_size256 + momentum achieves 0.995+-0.003". I think Resface20 represents the model you used. But what does the "vggface2" means here? Does it means a pre-trained model ? Gratitude for your reply soon, thanks~