Closed BobWs closed 4 years ago
Thanks for the report! I've not yet tested changing the sitename of Netlify site. I'll test it tonight (GMT+8) and investigate a little more.
There are several issues regarding sitename changing:
You can manually trigger a deployment, which will run the build script again so the resource URLs of each plugins can be updated to the new site URL. You can do so via the Netlify web UI: go to your site > Deploys, on the top right corner of your deploys list, click Trigger Deploy > Clear cache and deploy site.
Okay thanks for explaining I will give it a try.
Thanks it worked! Maybe an idea to add this to the readme section?
The README has been updated.
Hi, I followed your steps as described to create a Netlify account and deploy the site. After this is successfully done I have tested it with SN and it was working, I could install the extensions and is was working on different devices.
But the problem arises when I change the name off the site in Netify into something better readable. I tried the new link with a new account I have created in standardnotes and I can install the extensions and I see them in the app menu, but I cannot created and write any notes. I keep seeing an error message “not found”
To test my theory I deleted the site with the readable name from Netlify and created a new one. This time I didn’t change the name and used the auto generated link in Standardnotes to install the extensions, and it is working as should.
So I’m wondering what is going wrong when changing the name for it not to work?