JolonB / SDI12-UART

Microcontroller independent implementation of SDI-12 over UART
MIT License
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a multisim simulation for your design #3

Open wushuaixue opened 2 months ago

wushuaixue commented 2 months ago

Dear Jolon

How's everythong going? About serial days ago, I received a assignment to let me design a board to read SDI-12 data from a sensor and I found your outcome in github. Your excellent work help me know the SDI-12 protocal and it's timing very well. Thank you for your work!

In your last version, I note that you said because you can't find a simulation of tri-state buffer so you design a two channel tri-state buffer yourself. So I tried to make a simulation on computer using Multisim befor the chip I bought coming. If you are interested in the simulation, just to tell me. If you had done that befor, just ignore this issue and forgive my rude question.

Thank you again for your excellent work! I truely get a lot from your passage. Since my english is not fluent, sorry for your reading. Bless you have a good day!

wushuaixue 2024,4,10 from Beijing 3aa03cb43d73faa370366fd8eab6210

JolonB commented 2 months ago


Thanks for getting in touch. I'm always glad to hear that this repository has helped people.

Your question is definitely not rude. As you've noticed, I've updated the repo to remove that there was no tri-state buffer in the simulation. Either I didn't notice it at the time, or the simulation tool may have been updated, but I have now found a tri-state buffer component.
For simple simulations and tests, I tend to use this simulation tool, so I'm not too familiar with MultiSim. Since I haven't used SDI-12 recently, I personally probably won't have much use for the simulation. However, it looks like you've done a good job of this simulation and it'll probably be useful for some people, so if you're willing to share it publicly, feel free to create a pull request to merge it into this repository (or attach the file (or a .zip file) to a comment here) 😃



P.S. your English is very readable. Keep up the good work!

wushuaixue commented 2 months ago

Dear Jolon

I am so glad to receive your replay. That's the first time I receive a lettter from github, just like your idol give you a letter(a little exaggeration). Today I received my chip delivery and maybe because of the line I used is too long. The outcome have hign frequent noise, but I will review some filtering things these things or try to use some short line.

Get back to the bussiness, I am not that familier with github so I dont know how to create a pull request. So I just send the simulation here. You can try the Multisim application that really strong. And if you have any questions with the file, that's okay to ask me. I dont browse github everyday so you can also send a email to me. My email is Thanks again for all your work.

Thanks reply again. Take good care of yourself.

wushuaixue 2024.4.11 from Beijing

JolonB commented 2 months ago

Thanks for that. Let me know if you need any help with the noise issue you are facing. If you are saying that the SDI-12 line might be too long, I doubt that'll cause the issue because you are meant to be able to have long SDI-12 lines. If you are saying that there is a long distance between the microcontroller and the chip, that could indeed be a cause of the noise. Otherwise, I'd advise checking for any floating (unconnected) input pins on any of your chips.

If you solve the issue yourself and it was because of a mistake in my designs, let me know and I'll fix it. Thanks again