Jomelo / LCDMenuLib2

Create a tree menu. Use it with different lcd types / console output / ssh console.
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screen saver opens menu if dyn content is visible #35

Closed eimix closed 5 years ago

eimix commented 6 years ago

In example oginal "LCDML_021_dynUpdatedContent" (changed to work to 16x2 LCD)

Made 2 videos (attached zip, video is not possible to attach):

First one with no dynamic content visible - after 10 seconds screensaver activates and stays visible. Second - screensaver activates and instantly disapears (no button is presed). It looks like that screen saver activations works like ENTER button. (this is problem).

Tried other menu tree - with dynamic content and sublevels 1 2 3 dynamic 3.1 3.2 3.3 4

If 3rd item is visible and has cursor on it

Jomelo commented 6 years ago

Hello, Version 1.2.9 is not the best version there are some bugs with the screensaver and the "jumpTo" xx function. At the moment i am working on an update. The news beta version is under the develop branch:

eimix commented 6 years ago

Tested lib in development branch - it works with new supplied example! (old example does not work correctly with new dev lib)

eimix commented 6 years ago

Something is still unexpected this is my menu sample `

// LCDML_add(id, prev_layer, new_num, lang_char_array, callback_function) LCDML_add (0 , LCDML_0 , 1 , "Status" , mFunc_screensaver);

LCDML_add (1 , LCDML_0 , 2 , "Whats up?" , NULL); LCDML_add (2 , LCDML_0_2 , 1 , "A" , mFunc_back); //TODO LCDML_add (3 , LCDML_0_2 , 2 , "B" , mFunc_back); //TODO LCDML_add (4 , LCDML_0_2 , 3 , "C" , mFunc_back); //TODO LCDML_add (5 , LCDML_0_2 , 4 , "Back" , mFunc_back);

LCDML_add (6 , LCDML_0 , 3 , "Stage 1" , NULL); LCDML_add (7 , LCDML_0_3 , 1 , "A" , mFunc_back); //TODO LCDML_add (8 , LCDML_0_3 , 2 , "B" , mFunc_back); //TODO LCDML_add (9 , LCDML_0_3 , 3 , "C" , mFunc_back); //TODO LCDML_add (10 , LCDML_0_3 , 4 , "D" , mFunc_back); //TODO LCDML_add (11 , LCDML_0_3 , 5 , "E" , mFunc_back); //TODO LCDML_add (12 , LCDML_0_3 , 6 , "Back" , mFunc_back);

LCDML_add (13 , LCDML_0 , 4 , "Stage 2" , NULL); LCDML_addAdvanced (14 , LCDML_0_4 , 1 , NULL, "S2" , mDyn_para, 0, _LCDML_TYPE_dynParam); //TODO LCDML_addAdvanced (15 , LCDML_0_4 , 2 , NULL, "T2" , mDyn_para, 0, _LCDML_TYPE_dynParam); //TODO LCDML_addAdvanced (16 , LCDML_0_4 , 3 , NULL, "H2" , mDyn_para, 0, _LCDML_TYPE_dynParam); //TODO LCDML_addAdvanced (17 , LCDML_0_4 , 4 , NULL, "L2" , mDyn_para, 0, _LCDML_TYPE_dynParam); //TODO LCDML_addAdvanced (18 , LCDML_0_4 , 5 , NULL, "Start 2" , mFunc_p2, 2, _LCDML_TYPE_default); LCDML_add (19 , LCDML_0_4 , 6 , "Back" , mFunc_back);

LCDML_add (20 , LCDML_0 , 5 , "Settings" , NULL);

// TIP Try to update _LCDML_DISP_cnt when you add a menu element.

// menu element count - last element id // this value must be the same as the last menu element

define _LCDML_DISP_cnt 20


putted it in example LCDML_021_dynUpdatedContent

if menu item selected (cursor on it, but not entered): "Status" - screensaver activated after 10s "Whats up?" and "Stage 1" - after 10s screen redraw, menu still shown "Stage 2" - after 10 seconds - menu is entered and sub level is displayed

I could make more videos if needed.

I got messed up, and unable to debug it, please help.

Jomelo commented 5 years ago

Hello, Can you test this version:

I have rewrite the complete library code because there were some bugs which i could not fix on the last code base.

One Line in the LCDML_display_menu tab have been changed. old: if ((tmp = LCDML.MENU_getObj()->getChild(LCDML.MENU_getScroll()))

new: if ((tmp = LCDML.MENU_getDisplayedObj()) != NULL)