Jomelo / LCDMenuLib2

Create a tree menu. Use it with different lcd types / console output / ssh console.
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ST7735 display is flickering #74

Open maxholgasson opened 3 years ago

maxholgasson commented 3 years ago

Hi, I tested your example LCDML_adafruit_gfx_st7735 and noticed some weird flickering when I click through the menu. I only used SSD1306 displays so far and the operation is very smooth with those Is there a way to fix it? MCU is a SAMD21 I assume it's because the displays gets cleared each time

Jomelo commented 3 years ago

Hi, i have fix a bug today. The display was refreshed with every cursor movement.

Can you test the lates beta version v2.2.7 beta 2.

Best Regards

rsp-git commented 3 years ago

Where can i find the beta2? I Use the 2.2.7 release and there is the same problem. The Refresh let's the display flickr. In the INO Files inside your Project should be the file LCDML_display_menu.ino and there is the "refresh" Function. I added a if section arround fillscreen command: if (LCDML.DISP_checkMenuUpdate()) { display.fillScreen(_LCDML_ADAFRUIT_BACKGROUND_COLOR); }

Then I switch from X as cursor to Color as Cursor - before i only draw a black box over the X positions: if(tmp->checkType_menu() == true) { LCDML_getContent(content_text, tmp->getID()); display.setCursor(0, _LCDML_ADAFRUIT_FONT_H * (n)); if(LCDML.MENU_getCursorPos()==n) display.setTextColor(_LCDML_ADAFRUIT_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR); else display.setTextColor(_LCDML_ADAFRUIT_TEXT_COLOR); display.println(content_text); /*if (LCDML.DISP_checkMenuCursorUpdate()) { } else { display.fillRect(0, _LCDML_ADAFRUIT_FONT_H * (n), 16, _LCDML_ADAFRUIT_FONT_H, _LCDML_ADAFRUIT_BACKGROUND_COLOR); }*/ } Everything works fine - only for the dynamic value. there i need to know how to detect this. If the function lcdml_menu_display() is called it clears the display, also if there is no "menu update". How can i detect this? Then everything works fine.

Here is the Upload:

@maxholgasson: Do you use interrupts for encoder? Tell me how :)

Jomelo commented 1 year ago

Hi, i will check this in the next weeks.

localhero44 commented 1 year ago

Hi guys, is this problem solved ? I also notice flickering.

Jomelo commented 1 year ago

When this bug also happens this is not fixed. I have to order a new display to test it. All my displayes are build in some projects.

I will check it.