Verified that Security Rule are read and write true
Updated app.js to set FireUserConfig url to Firebase url
Executed bower install to get angular, angularfire, fireuser, etc.
I run the app for a local web server (localhost on a port other than 80). The page comes up and when I do a Sign Up then the message at the top changes to "Fire User Demo - user undefined logged in"
My Firebase is shazfireuser and in the Forge I see the following structure:
I am having troubles with the Demo app.
This is what I have done so far:
I run the app for a local web server (localhost on a port other than 80). The page comes up and when I do a Sign Up then the message at the top changes to "Fire User Demo - user undefined logged in"
My Firebase is shazfireuser and in the Forge I see the following structure:
shazfireuser data 1: ""
Batarang shows the follow for $rootScope:
{ loginstate: true data: { user: }
No errros show in Chrome Developer Tools window
What else should I check?