JonBons / Sublime-SQF-Language

Sublime Text 2/3 highlighter for Bohemia Interactive's SQF Language.
Apache License 2.0
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Synxtax coloring #24

Closed StokesMagee closed 8 years ago

StokesMagee commented 8 years ago

There seems to be a coloring issue with comments. ( /* comment */ ) and ( // comment)


KamikazeXeX commented 8 years ago

Can confirm this is also a issue for myself image

StokesMagee commented 8 years ago

Issue appears to be related to

commy2 commented 8 years ago

I get it. It's a side effect of making / a math command. Should be fixed by changing the order of math commands vs comments

KamikazeXeX commented 8 years ago

Changing the order to prioritize comments while preserving / as math seems to work for me, thanks.

StokesMagee commented 8 years ago

:( image

KamikazeXeX commented 8 years ago

It would appear that the & operator syntax is also affected, so far haven't attempted to restore old behaviour as its a small issue but it would be nice to also get this resolved (I'm big on syntaxing and styling) image

commy2 commented 8 years ago

I fixed this in Sorry that I didn't notice that you can't use escaping inside \b()