JonJala / mama

MIT License
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add allele count functionality hopefully this is right :) #2

Closed ggoldman1 closed 3 years ago

ggoldman1 commented 3 years ago

Hey Jon -- I think this fully implements what we discussed yesterday. All of the dimensions work out so I'm hoping it's more or less on the right track but if you (and Patrick if he's around) want to discuss let me know because it might be a bit hard to follow.

ggoldman1 commented 3 years ago

I'm not sure if this is mathematically correct but I'm running it with the flag invoked and it's running without error (thus far) so that's something I guess.

JonJala commented 3 years ago

Looked over this with Patrick (so some of the comments are from him, I've noted those). We may want to have a quick chat / call about this tomorrow morning if you're around? There were a couple things about what you're doing that looked a little funny to him, but maybe it's just something to be cleared up.