JonPSmith / EfCore.SchemaCompare

Library to compare EF Core's Model of the database against a database's schema.
MIT License
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Temporal tables 'NOT IN DATABASE' errors #31

Open urielzen opened 9 months ago

urielzen commented 9 months ago

Hi, I'm using SQL Server and I just added converted a few of my tables to temporal tables, and I started getting these errors.

NOT IN DATABASE: Dictionary`2->Property 'PeriodEnd', column name. Expected = PeriodEnd
NOT IN DATABASE: Dictionary`2->Property 'PeriodStart', column name. Expected = PeriodStart
NOT IN DATABASE: Dictionary`2->Property 'PeriodEnd', column name. Expected = PeriodEnd
NOT IN DATABASE: Dictionary`2->Property 'PeriodStart', column name. Expected = PeriodStart

My plan is just to suppress these, but I thought I let you know about it first.

Thanks a lot!

JonPSmith commented 9 months ago

Hi @urielzen,

I don't expect to check all the new features added to EF Core 8 - some I can't find the data to compare (like TablePerType) and some just takes too long.

The 8.0.0 added support for more databases, but some problems have come up that I am currently working on. Once I have fixed that I will see how hard it is to compare the new EF Core 8 features.

urielzen commented 9 months ago

I appreciate it, hope you have a great day