I was studying the tracking truth tool(https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMSPublic/SWGuideTrackingTruth) and i ddint found any displaced vertex. I managed to print all the process follows in the gensim.py step by changing this configuration line:
pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(12),
pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(True),
But I didnt find any displaced vertex neither. So i return to my previos Parallel simulations in My computer using the pythia8 in conjunction with madgraph. There are displaced Vertex but for some reason related to the lecture of the pythia card i could not replicate my simulations to test the issues with the simulation carried in the cmssw machinery.
So far this is a pending issue and the details are mostly writen in spanish:
NO hay vertices desplazados con la configuracion de cmssw agregado Tune:pp y pdf:pSet :
corrida 20 ambos
corrida 21 solo tune:pp
corrida 22 solo pdf:pset
corrida 23 ninguna
ninguna contiene vertices desplazados... el cambio podria ser irreversible?
volviendo a la carta de pythia con la que hay vertices desplazados
Empezando de nuevo en LWSMdisp_test
1-Vanilla: No displaced vertex
2-Adding particle as new and no resonance: no diplaced vertex
3-Adding no visible: no displaced vertex
4-PDF:pSet = 13 (default): no displaced vertex parece no ser reversible
5-Tune:pp = 14 (default): no dispalced vertex
6-Time of flight 100(run_card):
7-Cambiando el orden de is Resonance off
8-Cambiando Is Resonance false
Hasta aqui parece que resonance estaba encendido
9-Agragando cofiguracion 23 para ver si acepta entrada manual: solo entran 1 y 5 para zeta son los extremos
10-Cambiando el orden: nope
11-Poniendo al final: no
12-Eliminando entrada del 5 y resonance: nada
13-Reinstalling pythia: still incomplete lecture of pythia card
I was studying the tracking truth tool(https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMSPublic/SWGuideTrackingTruth) and i ddint found any displaced vertex. I managed to print all the process follows in the gensim.py step by changing this configuration line: pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(12), pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(True), But I didnt find any displaced vertex neither. So i return to my previos Parallel simulations in My computer using the pythia8 in conjunction with madgraph. There are displaced Vertex but for some reason related to the lecture of the pythia card i could not replicate my simulations to test the issues with the simulation carried in the cmssw machinery. So far this is a pending issue and the details are mostly writen in spanish: NO hay vertices desplazados con la configuracion de cmssw agregado Tune:pp y pdf:pSet : corrida 20 ambos corrida 21 solo tune:pp corrida 22 solo pdf:pset corrida 23 ninguna ninguna contiene vertices desplazados... el cambio podria ser irreversible? volviendo a la carta de pythia con la que hay vertices desplazados Empezando de nuevo en LWSMdisp_test 1-Vanilla: No displaced vertex 2-Adding particle as new and no resonance: no diplaced vertex 3-Adding no visible: no displaced vertex 4-PDF:pSet = 13 (default): no displaced vertex parece no ser reversible 5-Tune:pp = 14 (default): no dispalced vertex 6-Time of flight 100(run_card): 7-Cambiando el orden de is Resonance off 8-Cambiando Is Resonance false Hasta aqui parece que resonance estaba encendido 9-Agragando cofiguracion 23 para ver si acepta entrada manual: solo entran 1 y 5 para zeta son los extremos 10-Cambiando el orden: nope 11-Poniendo al final: no 12-Eliminando entrada del 5 y resonance: nada 13-Reinstalling pythia: still incomplete lecture of pythia card