JonasSchult / Mask3D

Mask3D predicts accurate 3D semantic instances achieving state-of-the-art on ScanNet, ScanNet200, S3DIS and STPLS3D.
MIT License
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How can I get the result of the Mask3D, and which file is the core code? #128

Open bh-cai opened 1 year ago

bh-cai commented 1 year ago

first, thank you for your code very much! And, How can I get the result of the Mask3D, and which file is the core code?

when I run " general.experiment_name=cbh-test2_scannet200_val_query_150_topk_200_dbscan_0.95 general.project_name=scannet200_eval general.checkpoint=./checkpoints/scannet200/cbh_scannet200_val.ckpt data/datasets=scannet200 general.num_targets=201 data.num_labels=200 general.eval_on_segments=true general.train_on_segments=true general.train_mode=false model.num_queries=150 general.topk_per_image=200 general.use_dbscan=true general.dbscan_eps=0.95",I got flow: Testing DataLoader 0: 0%| | 0/100 [00:00<?, ?it/s] What does the "100" mean, and can I modify it, where to do it?

Hope to get your reply, thank you very much!