JonasStjerne / resilient-pathfinding
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Simulate bugs #119

Open JonasStjerne opened 7 months ago

JonasStjerne commented 7 months ago

When calling the simulateroute function it does not return on the 6th map on the following map pool:

If you want to see what the map looks like it is the 5th index map

JonasStjerne commented 7 months ago

Looks like it is stuck in a loop


JonasStjerne commented 7 months ago

Another thing: Also looks like the function to pick start and end for map generation sometimes mess up. Dont know why this is happening, really hard to debug as its picked randomly


Dymus commented 7 months ago


Dymus commented 7 months ago

Tried running the simulation, and it only stopped at map 13, with trying to read some of null (path argument). I haven't pulled lately though.