JonathanBrouwer / UltimateCore

All you need to setup a server and more!
MIT License
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MOTD #43

Open TonsOfBricks opened 5 years ago

TonsOfBricks commented 5 years ago

Hello, I have read the documentation and am a really big fan of this project. Everything is well organized and well made. However there is one issue i ran into. I cant change the server motd. The documentation tells me that there should be a file called motd.txt, after looking in the config folder and ultimatecore folder i didnt find one. I tried to make one, however that did not work either. Pls help. (motd being the message you see below the server name, Welcom to the super awesome server is by default)

Netlighter commented 5 years ago

i found it just now! here it is: your server\config\ultimatecore\modules\serverlist.conf

JonathanBrouwer commented 5 years ago

Netlighter is correct. Where in the documentation did you read this? So I can fix it.