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posts/2010/java-desktop-links-of-the-week-april-25/index #108

Open JonathanGiles opened 4 years ago

JonathanGiles commented 4 years ago

Java desktop links of the week, April 25

JonathanGiles commented 4 years ago

Auto-imported comment, original author: Lukasz Comment posted on: April 26, 2010

Hi Jonathan, thanks for mentioning MetaMaps.

JonathanGiles commented 4 years ago

Auto-imported comment, original author: Fernando Cassia Comment posted on: April 27, 2010

I still cannot promote JavaFX on my blog as a replacement for Flash... as there´s no decent JavaFX applet for embedding and playing .FLV and Ogg Vorbis.

This should be a priority. Sun/Oracle should put coders to replicate the functionality of the Flash-based and open source Jaris player, in JavaFX, and add some cool features to the mix (like the ability to bookmark videos to the local system, minimize the player to the systray (using JDIC) etc...

FYI: jaris


JonathanGiles commented 4 years ago

Auto-imported comment, original author: Kenneth Mark Comment posted on: April 27, 2010

I'm wondering when JavaFx can be used for enterprise app. development. Java for desktop application is still heavily rely on Swing.

JonathanGiles commented 4 years ago

Auto-imported comment, original author: Ivan Comment posted on: April 29, 2010

JavaFX is meant to replace Flash, but Flash itself is now threatened by HTML5 canvas. Any reason for JavaFX to still be promoted? However nice the idea is, the JVM is still too heavyweight for the web.

JonathanGiles commented 4 years ago

Auto-imported comment, original author: Fernando Cassia Comment posted on: April 29, 2010

@Ivan: Java is MUCH MORE than applets. Have you run ANY Desktop java application, Ivan? Doesn´t seem like it.

Here´s a short list for you:

  1. Azureus/Vuze, the peer-to-peer (Torrent) client
  2. Java Image Editor (beats Paint Shop Pro for cross-platform quick image editing)
  3. muCommander (File Manager, and Norton Commander clone), can be launched with a single click via JNLP (Java web start)
  4. eKit (enhanced, cross-platform wordpad clone)
  5. jEdit (a programmer´s editor)
  6. Mindterm (SSH client)
  7. Java Remote Desktop (to control windows systems remotelly).

...the list goes on... FC

JonathanGiles commented 4 years ago

Auto-imported comment, original author: Ivan Comment posted on: April 29, 2010

I was talking specifically about JavaFX as a rich browser technology, a competitor to Flash. My comment was strictly about that.

The future of Desktop Java in general is a separate subject. I believe Java will do as well on the desktop as the rest of desktop technologies (which are being pushed by web apps in every area where it is technically possible).

By the way, another great example of a desktop Java application is Eclipse, although it is not swing based :)

JonathanGiles commented 4 years ago

Auto-imported comment, original author: Fernando Cassia Comment posted on: April 29, 2010

Ivan: I think Flash is doomed. It´s abuse by so-called "web designers" what will kill it. Kids who do a course on Dreamweaver and start to design "web sites" that are not web sites but empty HTML frames with a big fat Flash blob inside. And they call that a "web page".

Web standards and HTML5 will kill flash, along with decisions like Apple´s to avoid the technology.

I think it´s unfair to compare Java with Flash. Java and JavaFX have the potential to do much, much more. The fact that the base java is Free Software (with a GPL license) sets it miles apart from Flash.

I just hope JavaFX would be eventually released as open source as well. (Oracle can continue making money by dual-licensing it and offering a commercial license for handset vendors, with support and fixes etc (which the FOSS version won´t have, of course).


JonathanGiles commented 4 years ago

Auto-imported comment, original author: Fernando Cassia Comment posted on: April 29, 2010

One unexplored area where JavaFX could make inroads: social-media applets that could be "docked" into the desktop, or the browser, or loaded on the browser´s sidebar.


JonathanGiles commented 4 years ago

Auto-imported comment, original author: Fernando Cassia Comment posted on: April 29, 2010

Ivan: I know about Eclipse. I very much prefer Netbeans.



JonathanGiles commented 4 years ago

Auto-imported comment, original author: Ivan Comment posted on: April 29, 2010


I tend to agree with you about Flash. It's natural that a built-in solution like canvas will take over in the long run, especially since we can already see it being implemented both on desktop and mobile browsers.

I might also agree with you that JavaFX will find its niche on the web, but it will be a very different one from Flash. Thus it would be strategically incorrect for JavaFX owners to position it as a Flash replacement, or for JavaFX developers to try to demonstrate it as such.

JonathanGiles commented 4 years ago

Auto-imported comment, original author: Fernando Cassia Comment posted on: April 29, 2010

Ivan: I do agree with you, all the JavaFX tutorials I´ve seen focus on animations and cool effects. Well, maybe that´d be of help for game developers, but aren´t those already using Java ME to begin with?. :)

What I wanted to know was hot to sent email over SMTP with SSL from JavaFX, how to dock an application to the systray (using JDIC), or how to query web sites for information and do screen scrapping easily to extract information from different web sites.

I found no JavaFX tutorial that would address those important topics...

Best, FC