JonathanWuz / Jonathan-Wu-s-Repository

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Final Project Individual Review Ticket #31

Open JonathanWuz opened 1 year ago

JonathanWuz commented 1 year ago

Group Repository Runtime Link Backend API Backend Model

My Accomplishments

Here are some of my accomplishment and contributions:

Technical Achievements

Leading into this trimester, I had a very surface level understanding of coding. I knew how to code simplistic programs, create markdown blog posts, and deal with APIs but had no further knowledge on deployment and JSON code as well as databases. However, after experimenting with peers and with code examples, I was gradually able to understand how to code backend/API and how to create models for data. All of which were very foreign to me before. And although I did not understand how CRUD worked initially, I was able to master Create and Read operations such that when users input something, I could store it within my database. And currently, I'm working on mastering Update and Delete functions. This newfound learning and knowledge helped me develop my feature and create a successful program.

Another one of my achievements was learning about Local running/deployment. I spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to run locally using bundle and Jekyll. For some reason, my machine was unable to convert certain files within our group repository which was a serious issue because our deployment of our website was not done until the latter half of this trimester. As a result, I was pressed to find a way to work on the group repository despite not having access to it. So, I researched online and realized my issue was a Kramdown error, meaning I was unable to convert certain files. However, this didn't make any sense since my group members were able to run locally. I later figured out that it was because my ruby installed more than once and some things it needs are installed in one directory and other things in another. I was able to solve this error and run locally in order to continue working on my feature.

Personal Achievements

This project has helped me develop not only as a coder but also on a personal level. From the beginning, it was difficult and has only become more difficult ever since. I used to find this unbelievable and unfair but as I met my challenges head on, I have become a better learner and a better student. When we were reviewing College Board subjects such as procedures and simulations at the start of the tri, I had a hard time keeping up because the topics were tough and the time given was short. However, I overcame this obstacle by just experimenting: seeing what worked and what didn't. When I seriously couldn't figure something out, I would ask around and have my friends help me with the concepts. In this way, I challenged myself and found myself understanding the units. I took this mentality with me when working with my group on the CPT project. I started by just trying. 'So if my buy product button stores a new entry, perhaps I can change this by storing user input as individual variables.' Through this process, I was able to learn an important strategy/mindset of just trying something and then improve by working off of your initial try.

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What I would do Differently...

For next time, I think I should be a more active participant in my group's conversations. Like in the designing process, I should've voiced some ideas on what our project could've been. This could've added an extra layer of thoughts and diversity which could've made our project more interesting. And like we learned in the bias lesson; more perspectives lead to less possible bias. So, I think I could've done a lot more if I worked and communicated more with my group members in order to find the best pathway to create a successful website.