We will be create a lesson focusing on: Data Analysis including Numpy and Pandas (Big Idea 2).
We will include predictive analysis because this perfectly aligns with out NBA statistics website
--> create new blog and set up format for greater organization
--> Part 1 of lesson: I will be creating a lesson on Pandas and how to use external CSV files with panda. I will also talk about how this can be used to analze data but this will flow into another group members part.
--> will expand on pandas while elaborating on how pandas will be used to analyze data. We will be using out own CPT site as examples. Using our site we can show how pandas can contribute to further analysis and bigger projects.
To ensure people pay attention we will have a fill in the blanks lesson like we have done in class before
There will also be code segments where students will be inspecting it. Here they will have to update and modify the code to make it work.
Subtopics we will include:
Uses of Numpy
Uses of Pandas
When to use pandas and Numpy
Hacks for our lesson will include:
Importing a CSV file and organizing it using pandas
Writing an explanation on the importance and practical uses of pandas
Code/show/explain where/why/how Pandas can be used in everyones own CPT (May require them to add it to their cpt not sure yet)
Lesson Plan:
When to use pandas and Numpy
Hacks for our lesson will include: