Jondolf / avian

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Panic using a ColliderConstructor to create a collider from a Gltf mesh. #459

Closed Logan-010 closed 4 months ago

Logan-010 commented 4 months ago

Attempting to create a mesh using my gltf blender export creates a panic:

Tried to add a collider to entity <unnamed entity 18> via TrimeshFromMesh that requires a mesh, but no mesh handle was found

Here is the following code that causes a panic:

commands.spawn(SceneBundle {
        scene: asset_server.load("maps/demo.gltf#Scene0"),
        transform: Transform::from_xyz(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
    }).insert((RigidBody::Static, ColliderConstructor::TrimeshFromMesh));

And here is a snippet from my Gltf file:


It seems like there is a mesh defined in the Gltf file (I am unfamiliar with the format, so correct me if I'm wrong) and am clueless to what the issue is.

Jondolf commented 4 months ago

ColliderConstructor tries to generate a collider for the entity that the component is on, but your scene doesn't actually add a mesh to that entity. The glTF scene instead spawns a hierarchy of children for all the meshes in the scene.

To generate colliders for those descendants, you should use the ColliderConstructorHierarchy component instead of ColliderConstructor :)

Logan-010 commented 4 months ago

Ok, thank you. I probably should have read the example.