Adding a functionality to add/change/rename primary and secondary lifts in a specific template in the template editor.
This will help people, which for example use Sumo DLs as their primary Lift. The same applies to secondary lifts, which are even more individual: some may use other lifts not in the stock list, where adding new options manually would make the App very adaptive and user friendly. A beautiful thing about the nSuns program is, that although the overall progression scheme is fixed, with changes in main and secondary lifts as well as accessories, anybody can customise the program around his very personal strengths, weaknesses and injuries. I would love the App to allow that! :-)
Adding a functionality to add/change/rename primary and secondary lifts in a specific template in the template editor. This will help people, which for example use Sumo DLs as their primary Lift. The same applies to secondary lifts, which are even more individual: some may use other lifts not in the stock list, where adding new options manually would make the App very adaptive and user friendly. A beautiful thing about the nSuns program is, that although the overall progression scheme is fixed, with changes in main and secondary lifts as well as accessories, anybody can customise the program around his very personal strengths, weaknesses and injuries. I would love the App to allow that! :-)