JonnyOThan / TweakScale

Forked from Gaius Goodspeed's Goodspeed Aerospace Part & TweakScale plugin
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Re-rooting radially leads to weird scaling behaviour #56

Open numberlesstim opened 9 months ago

numberlesstim commented 9 months ago

What did you do before the bug occurred?

  1. Place a tank
  2. Radially attach a second tank
  3. Re-root to the second tank
  4. Rescale the new root part with 'scale children' enabled

What happened?

Re-rooting to a radially attached tank will make it scale around the wrong point and also not scale its children. Additionally scaling does no longer affect the fuel amount.

Radi(c)al re-root

Upload your ksp.log file


JonnyOThan commented 9 months ago

confirmed, looks like the srfattachnode on the new child part doesn't get pointed back to the parent. Interestingly, this problem persists if you save the craft and reload it.