JonnyOThan / TweakScale

Forked from Gaius Goodspeed's Goodspeed Aerospace Part & TweakScale plugin
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Report: incorrect scaling behavior with solar panels and drills #75

Open JonnyOThan opened 1 month ago

JonnyOThan commented 1 month ago

FYI - it appears scaling does not have an effect on solar panel output, only size - both for vanilla and with Kopernicus' solar panels patch.

Additionally, trying to set up scaling for MKS drills, there is the appearance of an underlying issue with the way TS is handling TWEASKCALEEXPONENTS or applying them to various modules, and/or something in the way I've configured things doesn't work correctly. Thoughts?

Here's the TWEAKSCALEEXPONENTS I set up for the MKS drills:

TWEAKSCALEEXPONENTS { name = USI_Harvester ImpactRange = 1 // Should affect how far away drill registers having ground contact - seems to work... INPUT_RESOURCE { Ratio = 2.5 // should affect EC consumption; has no effect } }

TWEAKSCALEEXPONENTS { name = USI_HarvesterSwapOption Efficiency = 2 // seems to have an effect, but not the right one }

The consequence of this is:

Normal-sized MKS radial drill: Collects 2.79 dirt/s. Half-sized drill: it definitely collects less, but too much less. It should should collect ~0.7, but collects 0.075 (seems like there's an extra 0 in the math somewhere, but it's not off by a factor of exactly 10...) Drill scaled up to 200%: larger drill collects less than the normal drill - 2.41 dirt/s. Expected: ~11.16. EC use is unchanged (also true if you try the same TWEAKSCALEEXPONENTS with the other flavor of TweakScale, in case that's relevant) Stock drills (ModuleResourceHarvester) do not exhibit the same scaling problems with harvest rate, but they do exhibit the unexpected thermal behavior from below Thermal stuff also seems a bit wonky for this drill test - they use ModuleCoreHeat. Here's what I observed:

The normal-sized and 2x scaled-up drills each could run at full tilt and be cooled by a single large deployable thermal control system. However, the 0.5x scale drill overheated very quickly - true for both MKS and stock drills. Scaling down the part seems to make it impossible to cool, even with a radiator that ought to be overkill. Scaling up the part doesn't seem to have the same outsized effect.