JonyEpsilon / gorilla-repl

A rich REPL for Clojure in the notebook style.
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Enlive tutorial refers to html-indent, but location unknown #218

Closed GHExplorer closed 9 years ago

GHExplorer commented 9 years ago


I know this is unrelated to the gorilla-repl per se, but at

there is an Enlive tutorial, which refers to html-indent:

(ns enliven (:require [net.cgrand.enlive-html :as html] [hiccup.core :as hc] [html-indent :refer [view]] <======= HERE [ :as io])) (view (hc/html [:div]))

There's no projects.clj example there, don't know who the author is, and cannot locate a Clojure html-indent library on the web.

Does anyone know where this library is located?

JonyEpsilon commented 9 years ago

Is it this?

GHExplorer commented 9 years ago

That's the one, thanks JonyEpsilon.