Joolee / nl.joolee.homey.espeasy

ESP Easy is a firmware for ESP8266 boards like the WeMos D1 and NodeMCU. It allows you to quickly make custom devices with switches, sensors and other hardware. This app adds support to Homey for connecting with ESP Easy units.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[REQUEST] Double click options #19

Closed AlgemeneBuurman closed 2 years ago

AlgemeneBuurman commented 3 years ago

Hi there,

I use the espeasy plugin for homey to add pulse switches around the house to flows. One pulse activates the connected flow, 4 switches per room.

In the espeasy setup is a doubleclick option (also longpress option) is it possible to use it in flows? It doubles the amount of switch-actions per room. An makes doubleclick for all-off in that room possible.


Joolee commented 3 years ago

It's not posible yet, I don't know exactly what signals Homey receives when you configure the double and long-press. You can help me finding it out:

  1. Configure Homey as controller in your ESP Easy unit. (If you haven't done so already)
  2. Configure your switch the way you need it in ESP Easy
  3. Make sure it sends events to Homey
  4. Fiddle with your switch with single, double and long-click
  5. Send me a crash report from the app settings page

Make sure to write down the settings you use and include here, together with the crash report ID's. Please also include the contents of your http://<ESP IP>/json file.

Joolee commented 3 years ago

Hi @AlgemeneBuurman I want to add this option as it shouldn't require much work. I do need the requested information from you though. Can you get around to supplying it? I could help you out in Dutch if needed