Joolee / nl.joolee.homey.espeasy

ESP Easy is a firmware for ESP8266 boards like the WeMos D1 and NodeMCU. It allows you to quickly make custom devices with switches, sensors and other hardware. This app adds support to Homey for connecting with ESP Easy units.
GNU General Public License v3.0
6 stars 5 forks source link

Support for Homey Pro (Early 2023) #38

Open leonoosterhuis opened 1 year ago

leonoosterhuis commented 1 year ago

Hi there, is it possible to provide support for the new homey coming out in february?

Or is this a lot of update work required? I am always available to support you in this.

I also speak Dutch if that is easier

tjarb commented 1 year ago

Hi There, I'm also interested in support for Homey pro (2023). Also Dutch :-)

FreeNorway commented 1 year ago

Espeasy is great, i hope for an update for homey2023. I can contribute with translation to Norweigan (from English) If wanted, but i cannot partisipate in updating as i have no clue about programming. What amazed me about the app is how Easy you made it for me to enter the world of esp so i thank you for that. People like me with almost no knowledge and not so much patiens can actually make affordable working solutions to automate stuff and save electricity. I have some fun ideas i want to try out with esp but i dont have the comfidense yet to go ahed whitout an app that compensates for stupid so i really hope you find the time to develop your app further. Greetings from Norway

SaifaKai commented 1 year ago

Hi! I am also very interested in ESPeasy support for Homey Pro. Looking forward to any openings here. BR!

Joolee commented 1 year ago

Hi all! Sorry for not providing any updates lately. I’ve been working the the last few days on updating the app to SDK-V3 (which will make it work on the new 2023 Homey’s) but I can’t make any promises for the timeline. So far it has not been too complicated but I have no idea what horrors might still be waiting for me.

Joolee commented 1 year ago

Espeasy is great, i hope for an update for homey2023. I can contribute with translation to Norweigan (from English) If wanted, but i cannot partisipate in updating as i have no clue about programming. What amazed me about the app is how Easy you made it for me to enter the world of esp so i thank you for that. People like me with almost no knowledge and not so much patiens can actually make affordable working solutions to automate stuff and save electricity. I have some fun ideas i want to try out with esp but i dont have the comfidense yet to go ahed whitout an app that compensates for stupid so i really hope you find the time to develop your app further. Greetings from Norway

You can download the language file for English, linked below. The file format is json which isn't too hard to work with. I'd prefer if you keep the format in valid json, which you can check in a number of editors (just Google for 'json formatter' or something) Note: Variables are the words with __ before and after. \n makes a new-line and I've used some simple HTML in a few strings. If you want to use a double quote like ", you'll need to escape it with a backslash: \"

Just make a new issue with the json in the post (preferably in a code-block: and I'll include it in the next update.

tjarb commented 1 year ago

Awesome! Yes well, life of a programmer is rarely sunshine and rainbows. Thanks for spending your valuable time. I see you already have the Dutch language, otherwise I would have translated.

Tequila329 commented 9 months ago


is there any update regarding the Homey 2023 implementation?

Thanks and best regards

tjarb commented 9 months ago

@Tequila329 Last change / commit was 9th of June, and that was a small fix. So no, not really.

astrapowerrr commented 9 months ago

Can’t wait to see this app live in the homey AppStore.

lenstar commented 6 months ago

Any update for the homey pro 2023?

luccie007 commented 4 months ago

Yeah, any update? I use it for my pool controller, and summer is coming :P need any help?