Joolee / nl.joolee.homey.espeasy

ESP Easy is a firmware for ESP8266 boards like the WeMos D1 and NodeMCU. It allows you to quickly make custom devices with switches, sensors and other hardware. This app adds support to Homey for connecting with ESP Easy units.
GNU General Public License v3.0
6 stars 5 forks source link

DHT11 not recognised #42

Open torsuneson opened 5 months ago

torsuneson commented 5 months ago


I'm using a ESP-C3 to add Environment sensors and started with connecting a DHT11. I can see that it's in the list of supported sensors

but for some reason it does not show up in homey when I try to add it.

It is enabeld and Send to controller by generic HTTP is activated, IDX is set to 10 and unique.

Still homey says "no units detected"(in swedish) when environment are selected.

DHT11 DHT11_2 Homey_response

torsuneson commented 5 months ago

So I managed to get this to work, not entierly sure what did the trick.

ESPEasy SW version Build: ESP_Easy_mega_20231225_climate_ESP32c3_4M316k_CDC Dec 25 2023

So for some reason a "demo.php" kept showin up in the string for "controller publish" even though I only copied and pasted the string below. api/app/nl.joolee.homey.espeasy/?i=%ip%&m=%mac%&t=%tskname%&x=%id%&k=%valname%&v=%value%

So I had to select all and delete an empty box before entering the string above.

Next thing I did was also clearing the "empty" boxes for "controller user" and "controller password". because in the log on ESP32 it was stated

" HTTP : C008 GETfailed HTTP code: -1 connection refused"

torsuneson commented 5 months ago

No, Still not working for real devices, only "dummy devices" are published. Can not get the DHT11 to show up in the homey ESP Easy app.