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Filtering by fields in module has problems #146

Closed Giorgi625 closed 3 months ago

Giorgi625 commented 7 months ago

I published filter module and enabled filtering in various fields. In module I only see label of field but that's all not options to select or chose to filter. You will be able to see it on same website for which I sent credentials recently about relation fields. When you login there you can check right sidebar on this page In source code I see values of this fields but I guess collapse classes should be fixed for BS5. I will take a look maybe I can fix myself

Giorgi625 commented 7 months ago

I changed to default template from collapse so it now displays values but there are now other problems. I will report them here in details later.

Giorgi625 commented 7 months ago

First Digits field filter template: I made changes to it and you can see in screenshot below top example is default template, bottom is my changes. But that slider does not work, so JS code should be fixed I guess. I am not good at JS.


I attached file which I changed here. you can improve it and add to Digits fields filter template.

Giorgi625 commented 7 months ago

Date field has big problems in filter.

  1. even if I do not select any values it automatically selects date 01 January 1970 and search's records with this value only.
  2. If I have set range as a filter option, it anyway searches for only one date, not a dates which are between my selected range.
  3. It also had problems with design which I fixed in this file I do not know if I chose proper way, you can take a look. Here is example of before (first field) after (third and fourth fields) image I wanted to make them in one input group without distance in the middle, but then JS code would not work, and on click calendar would not appear, so maybe you will have better option.
Giorgi625 commented 7 months ago

This is what I see when I just hit search button in filter module, without selecting any dates image

andiamine commented 7 months ago

thanks for checking this, we are going to look at it tomorrow

Giorgi625 commented 7 months ago

There is problem with autocomplete in multiselect fields filter as well so I guess it not just with relation fields but in general with autocomplete feature.

Giorgi625 commented 7 months ago

2. If I have set range as a filter option, it anyway searches for only one date, not a dates which are between my selected range.

This problem from my previous comments was my mistake, turns out there is option in date and time field, which I do not remember in Cobalt, that lets you choose Filtration type where you can select how you like to filter work for this field.

Giorgi625 commented 7 months ago

I fixed collapse template of filter module, needed just little styling fix. I was not able to test with categories and type, because in my sections I do not have categories and use one type per section. but Users, Tags, and fields seems to work. here is short video showing how collapse works after fix.

Giorgi625 commented 6 months ago

Will we get filter template fixed for reported fields? It is already month since I reported them.

Giorgi625 commented 6 months ago


Giorgi625 commented 4 months ago

Hello can you fix this? Filter module is one of the important things. I reported it almost 3 months ago.

andiamine commented 4 months ago

team is working on it there is many issues, will be stable next week, today i'm going to publish a new update doesn't include filter module issues

andiamine commented 4 months ago

js code of fields in filter will not works good if filter module and section filter both displayed, so i suggest if you use filter module to disable filter in section

andiamine commented 4 months ago

All issues reported fixed

Giorgi625 commented 4 months ago

Are you sure that you fixed all issues? I see that you fixed range for digit fields, but when I filter and skip date field and fill other fields and click on search it again sets by default dates from 1970 year. I do not have articles with compatible dates so result is empty. In the image below I set all filters except first which shows dates. it gets added by itself. image

andiamine commented 4 months ago

okey let me check this issue again

andiamine commented 3 months ago

this issue was solved in previous update