JoomGalleryfriends / JG4-dev

Development repository for JoomGallery v4.x
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Add Control Panel #125

Closed MrMusic closed 12 months ago

MrMusic commented 1 year ago

This PR adds a 'Control Panel' to the admin area of the JoomGallery. In this control panel important information for the user should be displayed. This is only a draft for now.

What information should be displayed? How can the user experience be improved? Any other suggestions?

Please note: During installation an administrator module is created to display a feed from the JoomGallery website. Unfortunately there is a bug in Joomla that currently leads to an endless loop. A bugfix was already submitted a long time ago but unfortunately not merged. In order to test the control panel with the feed module, you have to make the following change in the file /libraries/vendor/joomla/filter/src/InputFilter.php at line 728: $nextAfter = $nextBefore + $closeQuoteChars; Presumably it would make sense to submit a PR for the framework again to draw attention to the problem?

eumel1602 commented 1 year ago

Thank you for your effort. I just installed it, didn't change any files and so far I haven't gotten an error message in BE. (Where should it come from??) The few clicks all worked My thoughts on the CP:

rowi68 commented 1 year ago

The Feed Module (if you mean "JoomGallery News" ) is working well without error message. Only Link to Joom::Gallery friends - Startseite is not correct.

Possible Improvements CP:

AlexanderSupp commented 1 year ago

This Link Joom::Gallery friends - Home downloads a file called _qVwXkfZ. Is this the final state. I assume that the links to the German version will come later. From my point of view, here is not the place for a folder structure. A folder structure will need everywhere, and it would be great to implement that as a module. All other things are mentioned above. This panel is a good idea and has room for improvement. Thank you.

rowi68 commented 1 year ago

I would expect when a link text describes "to home page" to come there and not open a feed file. Otherwise the text is wrong...

MrMusic commented 1 year ago

Thanks you for your advice.

...installed/available extensions...

I have tried to display the installed extensions. The extensions that have 'joomgallery' in their name or are installed in the 'joomgallery' folder are displayed. However, it is possible that not all extensions are found.

Add Button to control panel

The desired button back to control panel has now been added.

...display the folder structure...

I can't imagine what this should look like and where it should be displayed. Maybe someone could create a picture of how and where this should be displayed in CP. What would be the use case for this in the control panel? Wouldn't such a display in the category or image manager make more sense?

The Feed link to Joom::Gallery friends - Home

The link is generated automatically by Joomla. This was also the case in Joomla 3.x. Unfortunately, I see no possibility to change this, only to switch the title off. You can try it out by creating a feed module yourself in the admin area. For example, you can enter as the feed address.

I haven't gotten an error message in BE. (Where should it come from??) The Feed Module (if you mean "JoomGallery News" ) is working well without error message.

Confirmed, but it is strange. When i started with the Controlpanel recently, the problem was still there. It seems to me that the problematic multibyte character may no longer occur?

...display in statistic (or somewhere else) e.g. top downloads, popular images, recent upload, best rated...

I am still looking for a solution...

rowi68 commented 1 year ago

The back button is working. Thank you.

Feed link it is really not a problem... I had not realised that the feed is automatically created by joomla.

Folder structure I thought maybe similar like: structure_2 or structur_1

But you are right, in CP is not right place for that. Should be in categorie manager (or like mentioned as module)...

reni68 commented 1 year ago

I like the control panel. I noticed that this edit box (see screenshot) is not displayed correctly. It "hides" behind the menu. grafik

MrMusic commented 1 year ago

Images top lists are now added. Note: Before anything can be displayed, you must enter a few values in the database table. Added important PHP settings.

AlexanderSupp commented 1 year ago

Why do we now have the "<- Control Panel" button everywhere in "Images" to "Maintenance"? To my understanding, this is not the rule. Discussion point for next meeting? If you like to go back, every browser has this function. What does "<-" mean if I come from "Tags" for example? On the other hand, I can jump anywhere at any time using the left navigation panel.

eumel1602 commented 1 year ago

Why do we now have the "<- Control Panel" button everywhere in "Images" to "Maintenance"? To my understanding, this is not the rule. Discussion point for next meeting? If you like to go back, every browser has this function. What does "<-" mean if I come from "Tags" for example? On the other hand, I can jump anywhere at any time using the left navigation panel.

This is exactly what rowi68 and I asked for. I think this thing is mandatory. You should not rely on the browser BACK function here. people will look up at the options how do I get back now.... Let's ask the other way around. what disadvantage should this "control panel" button have! Mr Music, thanks for adding the new features...

eumel1602 commented 1 year ago

I like the control panel. I noticed that this edit box (see screenshot) is not displayed correctly. It "hides" behind the menu. grafik

Where exactly is that supposed to be?

eumel1602 commented 1 year ago

Should this logo be installed in the header area of the control panel? bildschirmabgriff

Should there be a button in the control panel where donations for the Joomgallery are collected?

rowi68 commented 1 year ago

I have the same issue with edit button of feed module and also the hide button is not working. Maybe you could place edit box on right side?


rowi68 commented 1 year ago

In my opinion would be "statistic" and "information" only a side information and should placed at bottom of page.

MrMusic commented 1 year ago

Add css class to move cogs icon to right. Add Donation area at bottom.

MrMusic commented 1 year ago

In my opinion would be "statistic" and "information" only a side information and should placed at bottom of page. Should this logo be installed in the header area of the control panel?

What exactly should be at the top? Maybe we should create a new logo or something similar?

rowi68 commented 1 year ago

Cog icon on the right side is OK now and edit box visible. But "hide/unpublish" button is not working. I am not sure if modul should permanently visible or not. If permanent, then it would probably better to remove the hide/unpublish button..


The donation area is in my opinion not visible enough. Missing some color/highlighting for better attention. What do you think if we would integrate the logo in donation area and install in top/header position. I could imagine follow order:

  1. Logo + Donation
  2. Ranked images (thank you for accordion menu --> I like it :heart_eyes:)
  3. Feed module (permanent visible?)
  4. Statistic & Info
  5. Installed extensions and others....
eumel1602 commented 1 year ago

Maybe we should create a new logo or something similar?

No, I think this logo is familiar for now and shouldn't be changed at the moment unless it's refreshed with new technology. Users shouldn't be confused by a new logo as well as what's going on here

reni68 commented 1 year ago

My Cog icon it's ok. Is it possible to set the number of displayed images for these areas (see screenshot) somewhere or add such a setting? grafik

MrMusic commented 1 year ago

Is it possible to set the number of displayed images for these areas (see screenshot) somewhere or add such a setting?

The maximum number of images is currently defined in line 60 of the file administrator/components/com_joomgallery/src/View/Control/HtmlView.php: $imglimit = 10; What number makes sense? is it necessary to make the number changeable in the configuration?

reni68 commented 1 year ago

is it necessary to make the number changeable in the configuration?

Yes, I would like that.

MrMusic commented 1 year ago

In order to 'unpublish' the administrator module, additional events would be necessary, so I have only hidden the 'unpublish' via css. I changed the order of the toplosts within the control panel and added the logo and an additional info text at the top. The number of images shown can now be set in the configuration.

eumel1602 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the changes. When I go to the config, I can see under general settings: "Display Images in Control Panel", but the value remains the same after saving?! Doesn't that have any effects yet? The Control Panel is currently completely untranslated. Do the strings only come when the PR has worked in the main? How was it?

MrMusic commented 1 year ago

When I go to the config, I can see under general settings: "Display Images in Control Panel", but the value remains the same after saving?!

Have you made a new installation of the branch? Because the database field is only created during a new installation.

Do the strings only come when the PR has worked in the main? How was it?

Yes, the new language strings only appear for translation after the PR has been merged into the main branch. It is not sure yet whether this will ever happen.

eumel1602 commented 1 year ago

Have you made a new installation of the branch?

I've set everything up again and now the setting works! Note: A setting of "0" displays "all" new images.

rowi68 commented 1 year ago

The number of images shown can now be set in the configuration.

Sorry, can't find it. Could you tell me the path to come there?

I think, for optical separation it would be nice to have a larger distance or horizontal rule (or both) between toplists and logo/donation..

eumel1602 commented 1 year ago

Sorry, can't find it. Could you tell me the path to come there?

Globale conficuration - generell setting - (6.point) -> "Display Images in Control Panel",

reni68 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the changes.

MrMusic commented 1 year ago

I think, for optical separation it would be nice to have a larger distance or horizontal rule (or both) between toplists and logo/donation..

A horizontal line added.

Note: A setting of "0" displays "all" new images.

I have added an additional check so that only between 1 and 100 images can displayed. Larger values would generate a high server load, as all top lists are recreated every time the control panel is called up.

reni68 commented 1 year ago

I see this message in the ControlPanel: grafik

Joomla 4.3.4 auf Linux und Xampp mit PHP-Version 8.1.17

rowi68 commented 1 year ago

At me everything is fine... (Joomla 4.3.4 auf Windows 10 und Xampp mit PHP-Version 8.2.4) 2023-09-04_17h59_46

rowi68 commented 1 year ago

Thank you for changes. Looks better with horizontal line now...

I think that this text :

JoomGallery is one of the most comprehensive and largest image gallery components for the CMS Joomla! Published under the GNU/GPL license.JoomGallery is developed and maintained by the JoomGallery friends.

under the logo would be not very important for backend-users, becauce JG4 is already installed and webmaster knows that usually. Would it not be better to place the logo above donation text and display one box only? What do you think?

MrMusic commented 1 year ago

@reni68 @rowi68 : You are both right. It depends on whether the 'Feed Date' is activated in the administrator module settings or not. Unfortunately, I don't know what I can do about this warning message. I would recommend to deactivate the Feed Date. By the way, a similar message appears when you create a new image in backend.

reni68 commented 1 year ago

I would recommend to deactivate the Feed Date.

Yes, with the feed date deactivated, this message does not appear.

rowi68 commented 1 year ago

I cannot reproduce the error. No matter if i activate or deactivate the feed date --> everything is fine. Also creating new image in backend --> works perfect without error message.

reni68 commented 1 year ago

I have installed this branch in another Joomla installation (basic data are identical) and can no longer reproduce the error. Not bad either ;-)

MrMusic commented 12 months ago

Would it not be better to place the logo above donation text and display one box only?

A single box would go across the entire width of the screen. Would it look good if the logo and the text went across the entire width of the screen? Here is a screenshot how it looks like: control-panel

reni68 commented 12 months ago

too big for my liking :/

eumel1602 commented 12 months ago

Yes, I also think it's too big

MrMusic commented 12 months ago

Small changes: Fix merge conflicts Remove administrator feed module when uninstalling the component Remove button Maintenance

rowi68 commented 12 months ago

I had not intended the logo to go over the whole width :-) In my opinion it looks better now with only one box, but of course logo smaller (maybe 40-50% width only) Approximately as follow: 2023-09-06_18h14_23 ...and maybe not with white background, but with background color from template.

MrMusic commented 12 months ago

@rowi68 Thank you for your suggestion. However, I don't want to make any more changes before the Alpha 1 release. I assume there will be more changes after the release.

AlexanderSupp commented 12 months ago

I think its time now to merge this PR into main.

MrMusic commented 12 months ago

I think its time now to merge this PR into main.

@Elfangor93 What do you mean?

Elfangor93 commented 12 months ago

Everything looks good except for the installation script file. You are reverting here some stuff I optimized lately.