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Migration: Alpha 2 into Joomla 5.0.3 hosting problems #201

Closed AlexanderSupp closed 3 months ago

AlexanderSupp commented 4 months ago

To get a feeling for the functionality of a migration with my provider environment, I installed the main from 27.02.2024 14:38. I'm not sure if my parameters are correct. I ended with "in_array(): Argument #2 ($haystack) must be of type array, null given". Below some screenshots: Screenshot 2024-02-27 164423 Screenshot 2024-02-27 164500 Screenshot 2024-02-27 164532 Screenshot 2024-02-27 164619 Screenshot 2024-02-27 164637

Are my parameters for the source formally correct? If you like you can have admin rights for this test environment.

AlexanderSupp commented 4 months ago

Ich sehe schon, das funktioniert nicht. Ich muss ja localhost angeben. Aber dann bekomme ich die Meldung "User admin_285146 already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connections " die ich jetzt mit meinem Provider klären muss.

I can see that this isn't working. I have to specify localhost. But then I get the message "User admin_285146 already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connections" which I now have to clarify with my provider.

AlexanderSupp commented 4 months ago

I changed the host to localhost. Establish the migration step more than 1 connection? "User admin_285146 already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connections" Screenshot 2024-02-27 195144

Elfangor93 commented 4 months ago

Are my parameters for the source formally correct?

Most likely the database is not accessible under a public URL. Most hosting providers restrict the direct access to the database. So most probably you have to enter localhost for host.

"User admin_285146 already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connections"

What is the value for 'max_user_connections' in your hosting?

Establish the migration step more than 1 connection?

The connection handling is done by the Joomla platfrom. If Same database: No, then two Database objects are created. But there is never more than one DB execution at a time. Depending on how the joomla database driver is programmed, it is possible that two simultaneous connections to the same database are established and maintained. But only if Same database: No and the same Host is used as Joomla itself uses.

Elfangor93 commented 4 months ago

But if you enter the same Host, then it is anyway the same database and Same database should not be set to no. Let me think abaout that...

AlexanderSupp commented 4 months ago

Now I changed the database username to the same value which I see in the Joomla 3.10.12, "Konfiguration, Server, Datenbank, Benutzer". But I don't know if the password is correct. I was expecting an invalid password error message. However, now I got the same error as before: Screenshot 2024-02-28 123840 Screenshot 2024-02-28 123911

BTW: Same Joomla installation: Must be no, because I must enter the path of the 3 image-directories. Same database must be no, because this is really a different database (i. e. with my categories) which I must enter. I started a request to my provider. My databases: Screenshot 2024-02-28 130041 My Joomla installations: Screenshot 2024-02-28 130157

Elfangor93 commented 4 months ago

I was expecting an invalid password error message

No. Currently there is nothing coded to check the database credentials. If it is set wrong, the code will fail at one point and trow a php error.

eumel1602 commented 4 months ago

Grundsätzlich gefragt. Wie ist den der richtige Pfad unter "joomla path" ? (Das muss noch in die Erklärung rein!) Ich habe den selben Fehler wie im ersten Kommentar von alexander. Beispiele für pfade: oder: oder: ? Bei mir funktionieren alle drei nicht


AlexanderSupp commented 4 months ago

Schau mal hier, was da bei dir steht. Nachstehend mein Provider: Screenshot 2024-02-28 163159

Bei den Dateien in den Verzeichnissen, also den Bildern, kannst du den Vorspann für images ausgehend vom root path für "/images/joomgallery/original" herausfinden. Unter Win 11 sieht das dann so aus: C:/wamp64/www/FotofreundeMuch/ Wobei: Complete system path to the Joomla! root directory of the source. More... Use forward slash (/) as directoy separator. No slash at the end of the path. ich am Ende doch ein / gesetzt habe.

eumel1602 commented 4 months ago

auch mit diesem Pfad funktioniert das nicht. Fehler bleibt gleich. ist sicher was, das der provider das nicht zuläßt. (will nicht lokal als quelle nehmen) sondern eine bestehende Webadresse/installation)

MrMusic commented 4 months ago

If you are working locally, e.g. with XAMPP under Windows, the path could look like this C:\xampp\htdocs\folder-of-the-old-page

If you are working on a "real" server on the Internet, the path could look like this, for example /homepages/17/a12345678/htdocs/folder-of-the-old-page

As @AlexanderSupp has already written: It would be helpful to look into the configuration of the old Joomla. If you look at the path to the log or temp directory, you can read out the path (omit the /administrator/logs or /tmp at the end).

The same applies to accessing the database: In the Joomla configuration in the tab Server the data is in there, if necessary you can also read it out of the configuration.php.

What certainly does not work: Trying to access the data from a page on the Internet from a local installation.

DE: Wenn du lokal, z.B. mit XAMPP unter Windows arbeitest, könnte der Pfad so aussehen: C:\xampp\htdocs\ordner-alte-seite

Wenn du auf einem "richtigen" Server im Internet arbeitest, könnte der Pfad z.B. so aussehen: /homepages/17/a12345678/htdocs/ordner-alte-seite

Wie Alexander schon geschrieben hat: Hilfreich wäre in die Konfiguration des alten Joomlas zu schauen. Wenn du den Pfad zum Log- bzw. Temp-Verzeichnis ansiehst, kannst du den Pfad rauslesen (das /administrator/logs bzw. /tmp am Schluss weglassen).

Das gleiche für den Zugang zur Datenbank: In der Joomla-Konfiguration im Tab Server stehen die Daten drin, kann man notfalls auch aus der configuration.php auslesen.

Was sicherlich nicht funktioniert: In einer lokalen Installation auf die Daten von einer Seite im Internet zugreifen zu wollen.

eumel1602 commented 4 months ago

danke für eure versuche mir zu helfen. Ich will eine Online zu online migartion versuchen... anbei bein bildschirm:


MrMusic commented 4 months ago

Wenn der Fehler _0 inarray(): Argument #2 ($haystack) must be of type array, null given erscheint, liegt dass höchstwahrscheinlich falschen Zugangsdaten zur Datenbank.

reni68 commented 4 months ago

Can the "Host" for the database really be "localhost" for an online migration?

MrMusic commented 4 months ago

Can the "Host" for the database really be "localhost" for an online migration?

Yes, if the database is hosted on the same server. This is often the case.

eumel1602 commented 4 months ago

Ich habe es mit einer anderen umgebung hinbekommen, das die Verbindung nun stimmt. Warum es in diesem speziellen Fall nicht geht, habe ich nicht rausgefunden. es ist ein Verbindungsproblem der DB. Wenn ich wieder zeit habe, melde ich mich vielleicht hier nochmal..

AlexanderSupp commented 4 months ago

Hinweis: Beachte auch die Angaben deines Providers. Zum Beispiel für SQL-Server: Hostname für MariaDB = localhost Hostname für MySQL = mysql

eumel1602 commented 4 months ago

also bei mir ist der Hostname für eine MySQLi Datenbank: "localhost"

Elfangor93 commented 4 months ago

I have successfully reproduced the error reported by @AlexanderSupp. grafik

It seems that the migration precheck requires 20 user connections to the database in order to work. I am looking into the reason for that...

AlexanderSupp commented 4 months ago

Oh, how nice that we have our fox Manuel, who successfully detects all the inconsistencies. Thank you very much. I'll test that right away.

AlexanderSupp commented 3 months ago

From my point of view, this issue is solved with the last tests. Therefore, will close this issue.