JoomGalleryfriends / JG4-dev

Development repository for JoomGallery v4.x
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Database connection problems #203

Closed Elfangor93 closed 3 months ago

Elfangor93 commented 4 months ago

This PR fixes multiple issues reported in #201. The following things are added/improved:


AlexanderSupp commented 4 months ago

I uninstalled the old main and installed this PR. The test result is the same: Screenshot 2024-03-02 125454

AlexanderSupp commented 4 months ago

Too late. I misunderstand the Swiss English.

Screenshot 2024-03-02 130331

I hope you find a solution.

AlexanderSupp commented 4 months ago

I tested this PR on my Windows 11 installation successfully. My goal was to get the new file structure. Screenshot 2024-03-03 112156 Screenshot 2024-03-03 112231

eumel1602 commented 4 months ago

ich habe es getestet, der fehler kommt nun bei mir nicht mehr....

AlexanderSupp commented 4 months ago

I am a little step forward. The current result is:

Screenshot 2024-03-05 220833

AlexanderSupp commented 4 months ago

My provider gave me an answer:

For Information: Guten Tag, vielen Dank für Ihre Nachricht, gerne helfe ich Ihnen weiter. Der Wert für max_user_connections ist 50, der Wert kann in Ihrem Tarif leider nicht angepasst werden, diese ist unseren ManagedServer-Tarifen vorbehalten. Der Login via phpmyadmin sollte nicht so viele Verbindungen erzeugen. Wahrscheinlicher ist, das ein ggf. ein Query beim Versuch Ihrer Migration hing, und so nachfolgende aufgestaut hat bis die möglichen Verbindungen erschöpft waren. Bitte zögern Sie nicht, sich bei Rückfragen oder Problemen jederzeit erneut an uns zu wenden. Wir helfen Ihnen gerne weiter. Freundliche Grüße Technical Support

In the meantime, you have solved this problem.

AlexanderSupp commented 3 months ago

Last test today, same result. What's about this PR?

After hit Check migration capability:

Screenshot 2024-03-22 182223

AlexanderSupp commented 3 months ago

Thank you for quick response and solution. Migration tested successfully. 2970 images in 137 categories from another Joomla installation with different database and recreate function. From my point of view, this PR is ready to merge into main. If this PR is merged and the front end views are also in main, I will test this in the environment of my provider.

AlexanderSupp commented 3 months ago

I can't wait. So I started a migration with this PR #203 with status of 24.03.2024, 16:55 Same Joomla Installation: NO Joomla path localhost to DB-Specification to

Target and processed in Image usage: Copy

All areas were in the same provider environment by DomainFactory.

136 categories with 3004 images and 135 categories thumbnails were processed successful. Duration 90 minutes.

Everybody can check the results in both websites. My strategy of first migrating to Joomla 5.0.3 without JG4 and then migrating JG3.6 to Joomla 5.0.3 works.

Elfangor93 commented 3 months ago

Many thanks to all the testers!