Open Elfangor93 opened 2 years ago
Hello. I think it should be cool to divide tasks into important and secondary ones. What is more important to do first?
@sergeytolkachyov I already started with workpackages 1 and 2 at Feel free to take a look and comment your thoughts... I you want to join the active coding process, please write a PM.
Development of JoomGallery 4.x is taking place at
Since the release of Joomla 4, Joomla 3 is being used less and less. Since backwards compatibility is not guaranteed for major versions, the current JoomGallery 3.x does not run under Joomla 4. Therefore currently JoomGallery users have to switch to another gallery component if they want to build a website with Joomla 4. The earlier we can release the JoomGallery 4.0 the less users we will loose.
Here are some documentations available to devlop joomla 4 component:
What is to be done
General code adaption