I have my theme build on helix and i have the same errors on validating.Can you help me to validate all?
Ps i made a theme based on helix 3, and it was rejected because of this validate w3. Errors are the same as helix default. Please see validation from start. Helix or page builder have those errors.
Can you help me to fix them? Those regarding h1-h6...
Hi, Please see https://validator.w3.org/nu/?doc=http%3a%2f%2fdemo.joomshaper.com%2f2015%2fhelix3%2f
I have my theme build on helix and i have the same errors on validating.Can you help me to validate all?
Ps i made a theme based on helix 3, and it was rejected because of this validate w3. Errors are the same as helix default. Please see validation from start. Helix or page builder have those errors.
Can you help me to fix them? Those regarding h1-h6...