JoomShaper / SP-Simple-Portfolio

Simplest portfolio extension for Joomla
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Cannot redeclare class SpsimpleportfolioHelper #11

Open mnasimi opened 7 years ago

mnasimi commented 7 years ago

Hello, I faced this fatal error in using Simple portfolio on Helix3. I would appreciate it if you could give a clue how to fix it.

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class SpsimpleportfolioHelper in D:\xampp\htdocs\helix3_quickstart_j3_v1.9\components\com_spsimpleportfolio\helpers\helper.php on line 15

Thank you

rifatwahid commented 7 years ago

Hi, Update sp simple portfolio and then remove the line from /components/com_spsimpleportfolio/views/items/tmpl/default.php on 11 no line you will get: require_once JPATH_COMPONENT . '/helpers/helper.php';