JoomShaper / helix-ultimate

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[2.0.18 Bug] Registration page with RAV4 #393

Closed joomleb closed 2 months ago

joomleb commented 4 months ago

Hi guys, PHP 8.1.27 + Joomla 4.4.3 + Helix Ultimate 2.0.18 + RAV4 1.0.0 I installed the system Registration Address Validation plugin (RAV4)

Test 3 As you can see, with Cassiopeia (and others templates), it adds also a div#jform_f90validationcode-desc with a text note, here an image for you:


Test 1 As you can see, it is not shown with Helix Ultimate. (Logically I tested it on the same Test 3 site). Really a singular Bug, I investigated, but I do not understand what it is causing it.

@mi-prakash Please, Can you help on it? Do you have any suggestion?

joomleb commented 4 months ago

Hi @mi-prakash Please, Is it a confirmed bug ? ...I remain available...

mi-prakash commented 4 months ago

@joomleb i haven't checked it yet, will let you know when i check this issue

mi-prakash commented 3 months ago

@joomleb i was checking the issue and came to know RAV4 is a paid extension, am i right? If that so i can't have access of the plugin

joomleb commented 3 months ago

@joomleb i was checking the issue and came to know RAV4 is a paid extension, am i right? If that so i can't have access of the plugin

@mi-prakash Yes, you can. Just let me know where I can contact you (send it to you)...

joomleb commented 3 months ago

@mi-prakash Yes, you can. Please, just let me know where I can contact you (send it to you)...

mi-prakash commented 3 months ago

@joomleb please open a support ticket in our forum, and contact there with the support team because I'm not allowed to communicate this kinds of information in here

joomleb commented 3 months ago

@mi-prakash You can download RAV4 plugin for direct testing from here

Please, advice me here when downloaded... Thanks You

joomleb commented 2 months ago

@mi-prakash You can download RAV4 plugin for direct testing from here

Please, advice me here when downloaded... Thanks You

joomleb commented 2 months ago

Hi @mi-prakash I cannot find any specific note on the last change log, but with Helix Ultimate 2.1.0 + Joomla 4.4.4 this bug seems has been fixed, thank you. Before to close this ticket, Please, Can you confirm it ?

mi-prakash commented 2 months ago

@joomleb We have updated the user overrides. that fixed your problem. Closing this ticket thank you