Joopz0r / Survival-Co-Op

Dota 2 Custom Game Survival Co-Op
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Broken Heroes #3

Open Joopz0r opened 9 years ago

Joopz0r commented 9 years ago

Clinkz - His ult is pretty useless, as it only works on the smallest enemies. His stealth is nice for the movement speed, but also not great.

Lich - His Sacrifice ability is no good (Though I suppose it might work with a Helm of the Dominator). No friendly creeps to sacrifice.

Necrophos - Nothing actually broken, but he becomes nearly useless in later waves. Might make sense to change the damage part of his Death Pulse to work on a percentage, or something similar, since the creep HP scales much more than in a normal game.

Pudge - Haven't tried this one myself, but guessing Flesh Heap has the same issues as Silencer's intelligence steal (See further down)

Razor - Generally good, but his passive could use a tweak. Enemies almost never use targeted abilities (They're all area effects), with a couple exceptions in later waves (The dragons stunning, harpies mana burn).

Rubick - His ultimate, which basically defines him as a hero, doesn't seem to work. On creeps, it obviously says you can only steal from heroes. From hero creeps, it always seems to say "This ability cannot be stolen". Pretty much makes Rubick useless.

Silencer - Really designed to be anti-hero. His Q seems to do nothing, even against hero creeps. Last Word never seems to trigger. Not sure if his ult does anything. Most importantly, though, his intelligence steal doesn't work, so he doesn't scale as he should. Needs a complete rework or removal.

Sand King - Works well, but his Sand Storm seems to randomly get cancelled, even when storming creeps that don't interrupt/silence.

Bounty Hunter - His ult doesn't work at all, which means his Shuriken doesn't bounce.

Also, items.. Just a few here that could use tweaks...

Bloodstone / Urn of Shadows - Both work on enemy heroes dying. The Bloodstone doesn't accumulate charges, and I'm guessing the second doesn't either. May need to either make them work, or replace/remove them.

Lotus Orb - Same issue as Razor's passive. Very few targeted abilities, so don't think this will do much (Haven't tried it personally).

Taevin commented 9 years ago

(This is Xentor from the steam forums)

Dark Seer - Q/W/E work great, but his ult (The illusion wall thing) is broken. Hero creeps give a visual 'sparkle' when they walk through, but no illusion is spawned

Enigma - Nothing broken, but very underpowered. Suggest more HP/damage or a shorter cooldown on minions, shorter cooldown on Black Hole. Midnight Pulse is good, and the Q ability (Stun + damage) is useful against roshes. Note that the giant golems on wave 2 will kill Enigma if they spike while in Midnight Pulse.

Joopz0r commented 9 years ago

Dark Seers Ultimate is a wall of damage!! It does not spawn Illusions! This is not a bug haha!

Taevin commented 9 years ago

Ah, ok, didn't realize that one had been changed :)

Taevin commented 9 years ago

Ancient Apparition - Nothing broken, but very underpowered

Skywrath Mage - Q and E work, but W and R are broken (Both only target heroes, and do nothing to creep heroes or bosses)

Spectre - Passive is useful on some waves, but the rest, not so much. Ult does nothing, Q is only useful to pick up gold drops from Pudges that fall inside the ancient. Desolate doesn't seem to be working, but not sure.

diegogmx commented 9 years ago

i'm with some work lately, ill be tackling this issues when i have more spare time

Taevin commented 9 years ago

Witch Doctor - First three abilities work great (Cask may be a little overpowered against the Pudges and Centaurs, as it basically permastuns). Death Ward only seems to target normal creeps though. It ignores the big guys entirely.