Jopp-gh / Obsidian-Dune84

Obsidian theme
GNU General Public License v2.0
29 stars 1 forks source link

Colored folder #7

Closed DutchPete closed 1 year ago

DutchPete commented 1 year ago


I don't understand why the top folder is purple when the one below, Geopolitics, is of equal importance but is not purple, neither are its subfolders.

I don't have a snippet that does that.

I have not found this in the sandboxed vault, only in my real vault, perhaps because I don't have the “right kind of folder” in the sandbox.

If this is not due to your theme, then don't waste time on it.

Jopp-gh commented 1 year ago

I'm glad to help, Dune should be easily accessible to everyone

Here an example, how colored folders should look like

Here an example how to rename folders :

1 foldername

Just make sure to add a valid number (must be the very first character of your folder name) from 0 - 9 . The colors start with cold colors like blue, then green and finish with warm colors, like yellow, red and purple.

Unlucky, Css isn't able to read 2 "first characters" so numbers above 9 won't render correctly.

So, I suggest you to add first your desired color code (0-9) followed by a white space and just then, to add your real folder name, eg. 1 30 test project = colorcode JohnnyDecNumber folderName iconKeyword

Let me know if this info was helpful . I will add some more explanation to my readme file

DutchPete commented 1 year ago

OK, gotcha. The name of that folder is 92.02-Journal, as per Johnny Decimal. So Dune picked up the 9 and gave it that color. I tested it with 4 and sure enough the color changed to 4.

That is an interesting feature indeed. 👍