JoppeDC / SyliusBetterSeoPlugin

SEO Plugin for Sylius products and taxons
MIT License
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Figure out a way to render block in head #1

Open JoppeDC opened 4 years ago

JoppeDC commented 4 years ago

Currently we're using javascript to create meta tags in the header, from the body. The cleanest way would be if we could render the _seo_block directly in the header itself.

This can be done using the sonata block render event The problem is that we can't access the product in this context.

Prometee commented 4 years ago

Maybe using another event related to the product show page would be a better idea and then adding a block extending the metatags block into the twig file linked to this event.

Here is the template : Then choose a generic event (eg: one who will not be removed by a custom logic), maybe the event is the best choice. Into the twig file affected to this event add this kind of code :

{% block metatags %}
    {{ parent() }}
    {# add those custom meta tags #}
{% endblock %}
JoppeDC commented 4 years ago

@Prometee That is an excellent idea. There is already a metatags block in the default layout template, if we can extend this block it can be rendered in the head directly without the Javascript functions! I'm going to give it a try 😏

JoppeDC commented 4 years ago

@Prometee Only issue i'm guessing is that you cant just extend blocks in a sonata block event. I've done a quick test on a clean project and it wont let me render blocks in an event template. If i include the layout.html.twig it'll just render the page inside itself

JoppeDC commented 4 years ago

@prometee Feel free to give it a try! If it works, just open a PR and i’ll check it out 😉

Prometee commented 4 years ago

@JoppeDC So I think the only way is to make a twig extension, it will allow use to make everything we want... I'm trying to understand how it could be done right I will made a PR if I found a way.

tuala commented 4 years ago

I've been looking at the Setono's Tag Bag Plugin / Sylius Analytics Plugin, they put their library tags in the head thru event suscribers probably some good inspiration there.

JoppeDC commented 4 years ago

@tuala thanks for the heads up! I’ll definetly give it a look 😉