Jopyth / MMM-Remote-Control

Magic Mirror Module to shutdown or configure your mirror
MIT License
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Module works like a charm except for displaying the IP address and some control icons #143

Closed GattoJohnny closed 4 years ago

GattoJohnny commented 5 years ago

Hello. I've been using this fantastic module for about half a year now, since MM v2.5. It always worked like a charm, until now. Today I did a fresh install on my RPi 3B+ :

MMM-Remote-Control is still working fine but 1) it does not show some control icons in the browser (Firefox, Edge, Chrome), like BACK button, the ON/OFF indicator, Shutdown and Restart symbols etc.



2) http://ip-of-your-mirror:8080/remote.html is shown instead of actual IP address.


I was reading through other tickets mentioning the same problem, but as fas as I understood they all were revolving around the static IP address and the dhcpcd.conf file. I use dynamic address and I'd like to keep it that way for some reasons.

Please, let me know what info you need and I'll be glad to provide you with all of them.

DNA2010 commented 5 years ago

what raspberry pi are using, my is raspberry pi 3 B+ magic mirror v 2,7.1 v, remote 2.0.0 v the remote is not working pi@raspberrypi:~/MagicMirror $ npm start

magicmirror@2.7.1 start /home/pi/MagicMirror sh

MAGIC-MIRROR------Module Loaded and Linked-------ELECTRON.JS MAGIC-MIRROR------Module Loaded and Linked-------APP.JS MAGIC-MIRROR------Module Loaded and Linked-------SERVER.JS MAGIC-MIRROR------Module Loaded and Linked-------UTILS.JS MAGIC-MIRROR------Module Loaded and Linked-------DEFAULTMODULE.JS Starting MagicMirror: v2.7.1 Loading config ... MAGIC-MIRROR------Module Loaded and Linked-------DEFAULTS.JS MAGIC-MIRROR------Module Loaded and Linked-------CONFIG.JS MAGIC-MIRROR------Module Loaded and Linked-------DEPRECATED.JS Loading module helpers ... No helper found for module: alert. MAGIC-MIRROR------Module Loaded and Linked-------NODE_HELPER.JS-/-UpdateNotification MAGIC-MIRROR------Module Loaded and Linked-------INDEX.JS MAGIC-MIRROR------Module Loaded and Linked-------CLASS.JS Initializing new module helper ... Module helper loaded: updatenotification No helper found for module: clock. MAGIC-MIRROR------Module Loaded and Linked-------NODE_HELPER.JS-/-Calendar Initializing new module helper ... Module helper loaded: calendar No helper found for module: compliments. No helper found for module: currentweather. No helper found for module: weatherforecast. MAGIC-MIRROR------Module Loaded and Linked-------NODE_HELPER.JS-/-Newsfeed Initializing new module helper ... Module helper loaded: newsfeed Initializing new module helper ... Module helper loaded: MMM-Remote-Control All module helpers loaded. Starting server on port 8080 ... You're using a full whitelist configuration to allow for all IPs Server started ... Connecting socket for: updatenotification Connecting socket for: calendar Starting node helper for: calendar Connecting socket for: newsfeed Starting module: newsfeed Connecting socket for: MMM-Remote-Control Starting node helper for: MMM-Remote-Control Sockets connected & modules started ... Launching application.

GattoJohnny commented 5 years ago

@DNA2010 , I guess you might have overlooked my specification at the beginning of my ticket.

Today I did a fresh install on my RPi 3B+ : MM v2.7.1 MMM-Remote-Control v2.0.0

It looks like the same as yours, regarding the hardware, OS and module versions. The IP acquiring method can be different, though. Mine is dynamic. However, it is probably not the reason of the missing icons.

GattoJohnny commented 5 years ago


GattoJohnny commented 4 years ago

l-carado's suggestion in issue 152 ( has cured the "ip-of-your-mirror" problem. By inserting if (notification === "IP_ADDRESSES") { this.addresses = payload; this.updateDom(); } in line 64 brought the ip address back.

However, icons are still missing. We can get along without the icons on the left side of Back / Restart / Shutdown etc. But the invisible On/Off switches next to the module names is a real pain.

l-carado commented 4 years ago

@GattoJohnny , I nver notice this problem because I always see the module without icons. The problem is the Awesome font version. Jopyth for his module used the 4.7.0 version but now the MM is at 5.3.1 version and It seems that isn't backwards compatible. I'm not expert in MM fonts but I have an "home made" solution:

Of course make a backup of the original html file...

GattoJohnny commented 4 years ago

@l-carado, unlike the fonts, you are REALLY AWESOME! :-)))))))))))) Thanks a lot for the excellent and prompt assistance!