Jordan-Hall / nx-bun
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issue when running generate @nx-bun/nx:create command #3

Closed mwarger closed 10 months ago

mwarger commented 10 months ago

I'm seeing an error saying:

Cannot find module '@angular-devkit/core' when running a generator:

yarn nx generate @nx-bun/nx:create --name=html-plugin-test --template=react --no-interactive --dry-run

I'm not intending to do anything using angular, but is this required as part of NX or some dependency?

Thanks for any clarification.

Jordan-Hall commented 10 months ago

What type of workspace are you working with? In the meantime i'm taking a look, sorry about this

mwarger commented 10 months ago

My mistake, I just looked and the create-nx-workspace command I used to setup this test project was still on 14.

Jordan-Hall commented 10 months ago

My mistake, I just looked and the create-nx-workspace command I used to setup this test project was still on 14.

Not a problem :) Thank you for updating this