Jordan-Hall / nx-bun
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how do we generate an app or project? #4

Closed mwarger closed 9 months ago

mwarger commented 10 months ago

I've tried a few different ways of doing this, and I can't see how to use this plugin. Could you please provide instructions?

Please see the attempts and associated errors here. I tried with both the create command and the application command. My assumption was that usable templates would come from here ( which is why I tried react.




Jordan-Hall commented 10 months ago


What version if nx are you using?

Jordan-Hall commented 9 months ago

Looking at the react issue, its related to the template itself. This was tested on the elysia template

In regards to the other one I believe its a case of NX version. Its working on the latest. If they any issues with it let me know again, or if you on a version thats not supported, I'll see about making it supported.

mwarger commented 9 months ago

I see what you mean regarding the react template. I hunted around and found some other complaints about that error as well.

Regarding the application generator - I ended up trying it again just now, and it worked. I'm honestly not sure what changed. Thanks for your help investigating this and for putting this plugin together. I'm very excited for the potential of NX and bun together!

Jordan-Hall commented 9 months ago

I think react is being changed in away from CRA maybe to vite. But glad you have the application working now.

Next release is a nice change, to put in line with nx a bit more and potential to allow nxext plugins to choice runtime (node, deno and bun). Any more issues or missing features please let me know