When this instrument is used, Ox almost always includes an analog delay pedal in the signal chain. Several times he has requested integrating a delay into the instrument.
I think this is a great idea, the main issue is where to put it.
One idea: compress the VCF panel controls upwards a little bit, and put the analog delay underneath where the VCF FM mixer currently is. I think this could be done in a way that is relatively ergonomic and doesn't look terrible.
There is plenty of room on the VCF/VCA board, so the delay circuit could be included on that PCB without making it any bigger.
In terms of controls, it needs at least:
delay time
delay mix
But since there is so much modulation available with this instrument, consider adding some modulation capability if there is room for the panel controls.
When this instrument is used, Ox almost always includes an analog delay pedal in the signal chain. Several times he has requested integrating a delay into the instrument.
I think this is a great idea, the main issue is where to put it.
One idea: compress the VCF panel controls upwards a little bit, and put the analog delay underneath where the VCF FM mixer currently is. I think this could be done in a way that is relatively ergonomic and doesn't look terrible.
There is plenty of room on the VCF/VCA board, so the delay circuit could be included on that PCB without making it any bigger.
In terms of controls, it needs at least:
But since there is so much modulation available with this instrument, consider adding some modulation capability if there is room for the panel controls.