JordanMarr / SqlHydra

SqlHydra is a suite of NuGet packages for working with databases in F# including code generation tools and query expressions.
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Adding Postgres' "UPSERT" to SqlHydra #21

Closed kurt-mueller-osumc closed 1 year ago

kurt-mueller-osumc commented 2 years ago

According to postgres' insert documentation, the ON CONFLICT clause can be used to determine what should happen if an record already exists in the database: where to ignore the conflict, replace the whole record, or to update only a few select columns.

It'd be sweet if SqlHydra had this feature. I understand that this might have to be a pull request if I want to see this feature. If I wanted to create a pull request for this feature, would you be receptive to it? If so, what advice can you give me - where should I look first in the code?

Thanks for any and all feedback.

JordanMarr commented 2 years ago

Hi Kurt!

I would love to have upsert functionality for all the providers.

For a very near term fix, I hacked the resulting SqlKata query to add an ON CONFLICT clause for a Sqlite project. This adds two extensions methods to the QueryContext: one for INSERT OR REPLACE and one for ON CONFLICT.

Maybe you can start with this and see if you can get it to work for Postgres?


/// Utility functions for working with SQLite.
module internal Data.SqliteExtensions

open SqlHydra.Query

type QueryContext with
    member this.InsertOrReplace (iq: InsertQuery<'T, _>) =
        let query = iq.ToKataQuery()
        let compiledQuery = this.Compiler.Compile query
        use cmd = this.BuildCommand compiledQuery
        cmd.CommandText <- compiledQuery.Sql.Replace("INSERT", "INSERT OR REPLACE")

    /// Transforms a regular INSERT query into an UPSERT by appending "ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE SET".
    /// NOTE: This can only be called on one record at a time.
    member this.UpdateOnConflict (onConflictColumn: string) (columnsToUpdate: string list) (iq: InsertQuery<'T, _>) =
        let query = iq.ToKataQuery()
        let compiledQuery = this.Compiler.Compile(query)
        use cmd = this.BuildCommand compiledQuery

        // Get insert clase from the SqlKata query
        let insertClause = 
            |> Seq.choose (function | :? SqlKata.InsertClause as ic -> Some ic | _ -> None)
            |> Seq.head

        // Create a lookup of SqlKata insert column indexes by column name
        let getColumnIdxByName = 
            |> Seq.mapi (fun idx colNm -> colNm, idx)
            |> Map.ofSeq            

        // Build upsert clause
        let setLinesStatement = 
            |> (fun colNm -> $"{colNm}=@p%i{getColumnIdxByName.[colNm]}\n")
            |> (fun lines -> System.String.Join(",", lines))

        let upsertQuery = 
                .AppendLine($"ON CONFLICT({onConflictColumn}) DO UPDATE SET")

        cmd.CommandText <- upsertQuery


      let record = 
          { db.Supervisor.UtaEmployeeId = supervisor.Id
            db.Supervisor.UtaEmployeeNo = supervisor.Number
            db.Supervisor.Email = supervisor.Email }

      use ctx = openContext()

      insert {
          into supervisorTable
          entity record
      |> ctx.UpdateOnConflict (nameof record.UtaEmployeeId) 
              nameof record.UtaEmployeeNo
              nameof record.Email
      |> Task.awaitIgnore
JordanMarr commented 2 years ago

The more I think about it, the more I'm convinced that it would be worth it to have a full fledged upsert CE.

JordanMarr commented 2 years ago

If you want to contribute an upsert builder PR, I would recommend the following path:

upsertTask (Create openContext) {
    for o in ordersTable do
    entity order
    excludeColumn o.SomeColumnA
    excludeColumn o.SomeColumnB
    onConflict o.Id
JordanMarr commented 1 year ago

Upsert added in SqlHydra.Npgsql v1.0.1