JordanMarr / SqlHydra

SqlHydra is a suite of NuGet packages for working with databases in F# including code generation tools and query expressions.
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sqlhydra-npgsql generation tool doesn't pick up "enum" columns #22

Closed kurt-mueller-osumc closed 2 years ago

kurt-mueller-osumc commented 2 years ago

Postgres has enumerated datatypes. The sqlhydra-npgsql generation tool doesn't seem to pick up these type of columns. I'd love it if it could at least think it's a column of type string.

JordanMarr commented 2 years ago

That sounds doable as long as there is a way to query the custom types. It may be possible through the NpgslConnection GetSchema method; otherwise, we will need a query to get it.

JordanMarr commented 2 years ago

I got it working already (with strings). It would cool to have it generate a discriminated union for each enum type, but that's for another day. Will let you know when this is ready on NuGet.

JordanMarr commented 2 years ago

SqlHyrda.Npgsql v0.800.1 is published. Let me know if that causes any issues with inserts/updates.

JordanMarr commented 2 years ago

I assume this is resolved so closing.

EverybodyKurts commented 2 years ago

Sorry, I should have gotten back to you sooner... I get an Npgsql.PostgresException when attempting to insert a column:

Npgsql.PostgresException (0x80004005): 42804: column "color" is of type colors but expression is of type text

Basically, any string being inserted needs to be typecasted to the proper enum type like the following:

SELECT 'blue'::colors;

EDIT : Changed "blue" to 'blue'

JordanMarr commented 2 years ago

Any chance that it could it be a case-sensitivity issue?

EverybodyKurts commented 2 years ago

I think I would have gotten a different error had it been a case-sensitivity issue:

db=# CREATE TYPE colors AS ENUM ('red', 'green', 'blue');

db=# SELECT 'Blue'::colors;
ERROR:  invalid input value for enum colors: "Blue"
LINE 1: SELECT 'Blue'::colors;

db=# SELECT 'blue'::colors;
(1 row)
EverybodyKurts commented 2 years ago

I don't know if this helps or not, but here's me creating a table and inserting a row from the psql command line:

db=# CREATE TABLE cars (color colors);

db=# INSERT INTO cars (color) VALUES ('blue');

db=# SELECT * FROM cars;
(1 row)
JordanMarr commented 2 years ago

Ok I see what needs to happen:

        testTask "Insert Enum ADONET" {
            use conn = new Npgsql.NpgsqlConnection(connectionString)
            use cmd = conn.CreateCommand()
            cmd.CommandText <- 
                INSERT INTO experiments.person (name, current_mood)
                VALUES (@name, @mood::mood)
            let pName = cmd.CreateParameter()
            pName.ParameterName <- "@name"
            pName.Value <- "john doe"
            cmd.Parameters.Add pName |> ignore

            let pMood = cmd.CreateParameter()
            pMood.ParameterName <- "@mood"
            pMood.Value <- "happy"
            cmd.Parameters.Add pMood |> ignore


            let! results = cmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync()

            Expect.isTrue (results > 0) ""
JordanMarr commented 2 years ago

This is going to be really cool... 😎

JordanMarr commented 2 years ago

New release!

You will need to manually register the generated enums with Npgsql (at least for now).

JordanMarr commented 2 years ago

Added a caveat that you may need to watch out for in the release notes. I filed an npgsql issue.