JordanMarr / SqlHydra

SqlHydra is a suite of NuGet packages for working with databases in F# including code generation tools and query expressions.
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Conditional where's, orderBy's, and thenBy's #59

Open sydsutton opened 1 year ago

sydsutton commented 1 year ago

I saw this issue a while ago and thought I'd contribute. If you'd like a PR instead, I'd be happy to send one over.

type SelectQueryBuilder<'Selected, 'Mapped> with

  /// Sets the WHERE condition if applyFilter is true
  [<CustomOperation("whereIf", MaintainsVariableSpace = true)>]
  member this.WhereIf(state: QuerySource<'T, Query>, applyFilter, [<ProjectionParameter>] whereExpression) =
      if applyFilter then
          this.Where(state, whereExpression)

  /// Sets the ORDER BY for single column if applyOrderBy is true
  [<CustomOperation("orderByIf", MaintainsVariableSpace = true)>]
  member this.OrderByIf(state: QuerySource<'T, Query>, applyOrderBy, [<ProjectionParameter>] propertySelector) =
      if applyOrderBy then
          this.OrderBy(state, propertySelector)

  /// Sets the ORDER BY DESC for single column if applyOrderByDescending is true
  [<CustomOperation("orderByDescendingIf", MaintainsVariableSpace = true)>]
  member this.OrderByDescendingIf
          state: QuerySource<'T, Query>,
          [<ProjectionParameter>] propertySelector
      ) =
      if applyOrderByDescending then
          this.OrderByDescending(state, propertySelector)

  /// Sets the ORDER BY for single column if applyThenBy is true
  [<CustomOperation("thenByIf", MaintainsVariableSpace = true)>]
  member this.ThenByIf(state: QuerySource<'T, Query>, applyThenBy, [<ProjectionParameter>] propertySelector) =
      if applyThenBy then
          this.ThenBy(state, propertySelector)

  /// Sets the ORDER BY DESC for single column if applyThenByDescending is true
  [<CustomOperation("thenByDescendingIf", MaintainsVariableSpace = true)>]
  member this.ThenByDescendingIf
          state: QuerySource<'T, Query>,
          [<ProjectionParameter>] propertySelector
      ) =
      if applyThenByDescending then
          this.ThenByDescending(state, propertySelector)
JordanMarr commented 1 year ago

Have you been using these as extensions methods in your own project yet? I'm curious to know if using where+ whereIf true side-by-side in the same query works properly, specifically regarding the parentheses / nesting of the where statements. I'm sure that people would try to use them together, so it would need to handle the parentheses properly in that case.
Can you print out an example of the generated SQL query in the case?

sydsutton commented 12 months ago

When using both where and whereIf in the same query, they're composed with AND. I added these two tests locally and they both passed: "test "whereIf true" { let query = select { for c in main.Customer do where (c.FirstName = "John") whereIf (true) (c.LastName = "Doe") } let sql = query.ToKataQuery() |> toSql Expect.equal sql "SELECT * FROM \"main\".\"Customer\" AS \"c\" WHERE (\"c\".\"FirstName\" = @p0) AND (\"c\".\"LastName\" = @p1) " ""}"

    `test "whereIf false" {
        let query =
            select {
                for c in main.Customer do
                where (c.FirstName = "John")
                whereIf (false) (c.LastName = "Doe")
        let sql = query.ToKataQuery() |> toSql
            "SELECT * FROM \"main\".\"Customer\" AS \"c\" WHERE (\"c\".\"FirstName\" = @p0)"

[11:35:22 DBG] Sqlite.Query Unit Tests.whereIf true starting... <Expecto> [11:35:22 DBG] Sqlite.Query Unit Tests.whereIf true passed in 00:00:00. <Expecto> [11:35:22 DBG] Sqlite.Query Unit Tests.whereIf false starting... <Expecto> [11:35:22 DBG] Sqlite.Query Unit Tests.whereIf false passed in 00:00:00. <Expecto>

JordanMarr commented 12 months ago

The reason I am hesitant to add these methods to the builder is that I would like to avoid an explosion of subtle variations of where___ and orderBy___ methods, especially considering that users can opt to add these kinds of methods to the builder as extensions if they really need them.

First we add whereIf which generates an (<condition1>) AND (<condition2>), and then someone asks for an OR variation.

So I think that it would be better to create one extra where that would have all the configuration options. Maybe something like this:

select {
    for c in main.Customer do
    where (filters.LastName.IsSome) (Where.And) (c.LastName = filters.LastName.Value)
    where (filters.FirstName.IsSome) (Where.And) (c.FirstName = filters.FirstName.Value)

Which admittedly is kind of ugly.

JordanMarr commented 11 months ago

Here is another possible variation of the conditional where clause that looks pretty clean:

select {
    for c in main.Customer do
    where (
        (filters.LastName.IsSome && c.LastName = filters.LastName.Value) &&
        (filters.FirstName.IsSome && c.FirstName = filters.FirstName.Value)
JordanMarr commented 11 months ago

My apologies for dragging my feet on this for so long.

While I'm mulling this design idea around, I am adding a new feature in the meantime that provides direct access to the underlying SqlKata.Query object via the kata operation.

This will make it pretty easy to add conditional where and order by clauses, as well as many other query customizations.

sydsutton commented 11 months ago

No reason to apologize- I've been the one that's been too busy to respond. Do whatever you feel is best! Thanks for the continuous work you put into it.