JordanMarr / SqlHydra

SqlHydra is a suite of NuGet packages for working with databases in F# including code generation tools and query expressions.
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Mapping object with list of objects 1 to n relationship #80

Closed kaeedo closed 5 months ago

kaeedo commented 5 months ago

Hello. I've been trying out SqlHydra and like it so far. But one things that I always look for in an ORM is the ability to select a list (or single) entity that has a 1 to N relationship, and have the ORM hydrate the list as well. Basically a Company has a list of Employees.

With a simple select * from company c join employee e on e.company_id = I would want to map it to something like { Company.Id = query.Id; Name = query.Name; Employees = ??? } Is this possible or do I need to manually construct the employee list out of the resulting tuple when using a selectTask HydraReader ctx { my query }

JordanMarr commented 5 months ago

While I agree that can be a nice feature to have, I purposefully avoided adding any "ORM" style features to SqlHydra. I think of it as more of a strongly typed query library rather than an ORM. I see the generated types as strongly typed database access.

A common complaint of ORMs like EF is that they can become more complicated to reason about than writing the SQL itself. With SqlHydra, you would manually query the company/companies, then manually map them to your domain or DTO if you really need to embed them together.

JordanMarr commented 5 months ago

That's not to say that you couldn't return the generated types directly to your application if that what you would prefer. It's just not my preferred use case.

However, I was considering adding a toml config option that would allow you to make the generated record properties mutable. For some CRUD use cases, I think it could be useful to bind the generated types directly to be mutated by controls in the application.

kaeedo commented 5 months ago

Thanks for the response. At least now I know i'm not missing something :sweat_smile: Perhaps it makes sense to add an example that showcases this usage?

JordanMarr commented 5 months ago

I generally would do something like this:


let listUsersForCompany companyId =
    selectTask' (Create openContext) {
        for u in dbo.Users do
        orderBy u.Username
        mapList (toEntity u) // Map users to DTO or domain entity

let getCompany companyId = 
// ... 


let getCompanyFormData companyId = 
    task { 
        let! company = getCompany companyId
        let! users = listUsersForCompany companyId
                Company = company
                UsersInCompany = users
            } : GetCompanyFormDataResponse

Of course, you could factor it out in different ways, depending on how you want to structure your application.