JordanMarr / fable-lit-fullstack-template

A SAFE-style template with Fable.Lit, Fable.Remoting and Giraffe
MIT License
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Additional LitComponents are not rendered/called #9

Closed leolorenzoluis closed 1 year ago

leolorenzoluis commented 1 year ago

I am not sure if I'm missing something but I pulled your form components. The LitComponents are rendered in HTML but it looks like it's not calling the function associated with the tags.

The only difference I see is that I am using Elmish at the root instead of Lit element. Not sure if that will make a difference?

I'm trying to use the horizontal stack component but no dice. If I explicitly call the function then it renders. I feel like something is missing?

Edit: What I notice is that the generated javascript doesn't have the Ctrls.fs? Maybe it's optimizing when it's not being used?

JordanMarr commented 1 year ago

Please post some code or markup so I can see what you mean and how you are using it.

Also, have you tried the useContext hook that we made on your Fable.Lit thread? You might be able to use that instead of using global Elmish.

leolorenzoluis commented 1 year ago

I have not but will try it out soon.

The gist is your Ctrls.fs has reference and being used by other FS files so it's including it in the bundled when vite starts. However, try removing any references and just functions that has LitComponent attributes where the references are just inside html $"""...""" and you'll see what I'm referring to. I had to explicitly call a dummy function in that file in order for it to include it.

JordanMarr commented 1 year ago

Oh yeah, I think sometimes you have to put a fake register function on a page so that it is called. Is that true, @AngelMunoz? I think I recall seeing that on one of your blog posts.

AngelMunoz commented 1 year ago

Yes, due how dead code elimination is applied by webpack/vite and similar bundlers the actual function might get eliminated along its file, what we do in those cases is to add the

let register() = ()

function so the file is processed and not eliminated in the process

JordanMarr commented 1 year ago

Added Ctrls.register() to App.fs.