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spago docs failing #5

Closed alihmm closed 5 years ago

alihmm commented 5 years ago

spago docs failed with the following error

Generating documentation for the project. This might take a while..
Error found:
in module Halogen.Query.EventSource
at .spago/halogen/v5.0.0-rc.4/src/Halogen/Query/EventSource.purs:32:8 - 32:66 (line 32, column 8 - line 32, column 66)

  Type class instances for type synonyms are disallowed.

in type class instance

  Data.Newtype.Newtype (EventSource m a)                 
                          { finalizer :: Finalizer m     
                          , producer :: Producer a m Unit

See for more information,
or to contribute content related to this error.

spago: Docs generation failed.
JordanMartinez commented 5 years ago

I'm able to reproduce this.

The error arises due to this line.

This might be caused by using an outdated dependency. I'll need to check on my own via bower.

JordanMartinez commented 5 years ago

I've notified readers of this bug in the ReadMe in development. I'll be merging my work soon, so that others will see this when the repo loads

JordanMartinez commented 5 years ago

Found this solution.

I'll push out the fix later today.

JordanMartinez commented 5 years ago

The solution failed. So, I'm not sure whether this is actually a bug in spago docs or not... I'll look into it later.

JordanMartinez commented 5 years ago

If someone comes across this in the future, try running this command:

# delete these folders
rm -rf .spago/ generated-docs/ output/
# reinstall
spago install
# run build and/or docs
spago build
spago docs