-- approach is used here
-- https://github.com/purescript-halogen/purescript-halogen/blob/bb715fe5c06ba3048f4d8b377ec842cd8cf37833/examples/higher-order-components/src/Harness.purs#L43
-- https://github.com/purescript-halogen/purescript-halogen/blob/bb715fe5c06ba3048f4d8b377ec842cd8cf37833/examples/components-inputs/src/Container.purs#L39
simpleChildComponent :: forall query input messages . H.Component HH.HTML query () input messages Aff
-- and render using `unit` for values and `absurd` or `const unit` for functions
let index = unit -- or some integer
let input = unit -- or some datatype. On first render passed to `initialState` and to `receive` on subsequent renders if `input` is changed
let messageHandler = absurd -- or `Just <<< HandlePanelMessage`
HH.slot _proxy index simpleChildComponent input messageHandler
instead of
type MyQuery = Const Void
type MyInput = Void
type MyMessages = Void
simpleChildComponent :: H.Component HH.HTML MyQuery () MyInput MyMessages Aff
from https://github.com/JordanMartinez/learn-halogen/issues/65
it's also possible to use
likeinstead of