JordanMicahBennett / Smart-Ai-Pothole-Detector------Powered-by-Tensorflow-TensorRT-on-Google-Colab-and-or-Jetson-Nano

Smart (Ai) Pothole Detector (By Jordan Bennett)
89 stars 33 forks source link

Low memory warning in jetson nano #2

Open krish983 opened 4 years ago

krish983 commented 4 years ago

I am using 128 GB memory card and while running I am getting low memory warning and code is not running at all.

JordanMicahBennett commented 4 years ago

I am using 128 GB memory card and while running I am getting low memory warning and code is not running at all.

Did you try to run the code on Google Collab, (before which I gather you had set up the proper authentication into your Google drive account)?

If you configured things correctly, you would have been able to run the detector on Google Collab, as seen in my screen capture below
