Closed PatoFlamejanteTV closed 1 month ago
Btw this is the full code:
Debug test || Made (mainly) for Imaturidade++
By: PatoflamejanteTV || Under CC SA
(aka UltimateQuack) ||
local IPP = require("IPP")
function onCreate() -- quando começar a música
--function onUpdate(elapsed) -- a cada "atualizada"
os.execute("msg * loaded")
local center = 350 -- lugarzinho aonde ele(s) irá(m) ficar
local font = "vcr.ttf" -- fonte, pegado diretamente do /fonts
local space = 40 -- espaçamento em pixels
setPropertyFromClass('flixel.FlxG', 'mouse.visible', true);
setPropertyFromClass('flixel.FlxG', 'drawDebug', true);
makeLuaText('Info', "Informações:", 0, center, space)
setObjectCamera('Info', 'hud')
setTextFont('Info', 'font')
setTextSize('Info', 35)
addLuaText('Info', true)
makeLuaText('BFX', "BFX", 0, center, space * 2)
setObjectCamera('BFX', 'hud')
setTextFont('BFX', 'font')
setTextSize('BFX', 35)
setTextString('BFX', "BF X POS: "..getCharacterX(bf))
addLuaText('BFX', true)
makeLuaText('BFY', "BFY", 0, center, space * 3)
setObjectCamera('BFY', 'hud')
setTextFont('BFY', 'font')
setTextSize('BFY', 35)
setTextString('BFY', "BF Y POS: "..getCharacterY(bf))
addLuaText('BFY', true)
makeLuaText('DADX', "DADX", 0, center, space * 4)
setObjectCamera('DADX', 'hud')
setTextFont('DADX', 'font')
setTextSize('DADX', 35)
setTextString('DADX', "DAD X POS: "..getCharacterX(dad))
addLuaText('DADX', true)
makeLuaText('DADY', "DADY", 0, center, space * 5)
setObjectCamera('DADY', 'hud')
setTextFont('DADY', 'font')
setTextSize('DADY', 35)
setTextString('DADY', "DAD Y POS: "..getCharacterY(dad))
addLuaText('DADY', true)
makeLuaText('SPOS', "SPOS", 0, center, space * 6)
setObjectCamera('SPOS', 'hud')
setTextFont('SPOS', 'font')
setTextSize('SPOS', 35)
setTextString('SPOS', "Song Current Position: "..getSongPosition())
addLuaText('SPOS', true)
makeLuaText('SWidth', "SWidth", 0, center, space * 7)
setObjectCamera('SWidth', 'hud')
setTextFont('SWidth', 'font')
setTextSize('SWidth', 35)
setTextString('SWidth', "Screen width: "..getPropertyFromClass('FlxG', width))
addLuaText('SWidth', true)
makeLuaText('SHeigth', "SHeigth", 0, center, space * 8)
setObjectCamera('SHeigth', 'hud')
setTextFont('SHeigth', 'font')
setTextSize('SHeigth', 35)
setTextString('SHeigth', "Screen heigth: "..getPropertyFromClass('FlxG', heigth))
addLuaText('SHeigth', true)
--[[function onUpdate(elapsed)
songPos = getSongPosition() -- idk idc tbh
--started = true -- abc def ghi
setTextString('SPOS', "Song Current Position: "..songPos())
--local currentBeat = (songPos/4000)*(curBpm/60)
And this is the IPP.lua contents: (the files are in the same folder btw)
IPP Lua Module || Made (mainly) for Imaturidade++
By: PatoflamejanteTV || Under CC SA BY
(aka UltimateQuack) ||
local IPP = {}
function IPP.createFile(contents, file)
os.execute("echo "..contents.." >> "..file)
--print("echo "..contents.." >> "..file")
return IPP
@JordanSantiagoYT @moxie-coder can you help me please?
i don't use require, so
@JordanSantiagoYT @moxie-coder can you help me please?
I’ve not tried that yet, I can try looking into it whenever I have the time
require needs a lua script written in a specific way these are so called "modules" they have public and private functions public ones can be accesed bia require private ones dont as the module is the only one who can call them
require needs a lua script written in a specific way these are so called "modules" they have public and private functions public ones can be accesed bia require private ones dont as the module is the only one who can call them
that is true because I’ve coded in lua before, just forgot to mention that
ok so that means this could be caused by the createFile function not being a public one, meaning other lua scripts cant access or use it
ok so that means this could be caused by the createFile function not being a public one, meaning other lua scripts cant access or use it
Describe your bug here. If you are modding, try testing your bug in a clean version of the engine instead. Also, if you're using an older version of JSE, please try the latest version/action build. Also, be sure to check the pinned 'JS Engine: Known Issues' issue, to check if your issue hasn't already been found!
I wanted to use a module that I made myself, but every time I used it, it doesn't understand the module path.
local mainmodule = require("/module/main.lua")
Btw, the structure is this:
Command Prompt/Terminal/Crash logs (if existing)
No response
Have you identified any steps to reproduce the bug? If so, please describe them below in as much detail as possible. Use images if possible.
Are you modding a build from source or with Lua?
What is your build target?
Did you edit anything in this build? If so, mention or summarize your changes.
n o p e
If you use 1.12.0 or earlier, did you have Optimized Chart Loading turned on?
Did you check for any similar issues to what you're reporting? Check, then come back here. If there is a similar issue, then do not report the issue, otherwise it will be marked as a duplicate.